Negroes in America complained of suppression, exploitation, discrimination and marginalization. They complained lack of opportunities and inequality. They remained uneducated. Booker T. Washington, a Negro leader advised them to catch their buckets where they are. He meant that they should use the opportunities that were available around them – at their feet. The same thing can be applied for our health problems. Everything was created by God including diseases. But the cure for diseases was at our feet in the form of herbs and minerals. The diseases for a particular region could be cure by the herbs that grows in that region itself. Tropical diseases for insistence, had cure in tropics. The plants, the fruits, the herbs and the minerals could cure the tropical diseases. They are God given. But the man has turned them in to curses. In the name of medicines, tablets, injections and capsules the westerners alter the form of herbs and minerals and exploited us. The so-called uncultured, uneducated tribes had a fair knowledge of herbs which could cure different diseases without side effects. The ginger, the dried ginger, turmeric, custard, pepper and leafy food items. Vegetables like garlic were included in cooking. They have medicinal values. Neem in all forms such as leaves, flowers, and fruits had medicinal value. Soap nut is enough for healthy, long hair. It has natural shampoos, moistures and conditioners in it. Hibiscus leaves are wonderful cure for dandruff.
Herbs reduce high blood pressure has made remarkable difference in the lives of the people. Hawthorne herb keeps healthy blood flow while promoting stronger contractions of the heart. Coleus forskolii herb has been in use for cardiovascular health and to improving heart pumping. Olive leave extract which can promote oxidation of bad cholesterol. An odourless garlic herb keeps blood from becoming sticky and forming platelets. It is used b people for millions of years who has hypertension and cholesterol concerns. Non-steroidal and inflammatory drugs are commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. They are also a number of natural and safe supplements that have been used in connection with rheumatoid arthritis. They are borage oil; it may particularly relieve the symptoms. Fish oil will relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin E protects many tissues, including joints, against oxidative damage. Boswellia cures the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Devil’s claw exhibits anti inflammatory and analgesic actions. Turmeric – it is an active constituent and a potent anti inflammatory compound that protects the body against free radical damage. Ginger can cure osteoarthritis.
Black cohosh is the best and most recommended herbs for menopausal complaints, including hot flashes, emotional irritability and bone loss. It acts as phyteostrogen. It helps to start delayed menstruation and relieve menstrual cramps. Totally herbs are the best medicine for all diseases.
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