Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects both children and adults. All types of cancer begin in cells, which make up blood and other issues. Likewise, leukemia is cancer that begins in blood cells and affects the bone marrow which is the soft material in the centre of most bones. It can spreads to other part of the body. People who are exposed to very high levels of radiations are more likely to develop leukemia cancer than other individuals. And also exposure to very high levels of benzene, which is widely user in the chemical industries, can cause leukemia. Workers exposed to formaldehyde may be also at high risk of leukemia. But it is not a contagious disease.
The specific symptoms of this serious cancer includes fever, infection, excessive, breathing, fatigue, weight loss, abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen on livers. One who experiences any of these signs can take effective treatment to lead a happy life with loved ones.
No one knows the exact cause of developing leukemia but it can be treatable by registered physician. The main types of leukemia are chronic or acute. A person can visit doctor as early as possible, only they start treating it right way because it tends to worsen quickly. They can giver further treatment to help prevent a leukemia cancer. The treatment can be varying from person to person. Many people want to learn about this disease and their treatment choices. Hematologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologist are the specialists to treat this kind of cancer. Pediatric oncologists and hematologists treat childhood leukemia.
The most common treatment choices for leukemia are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, stem cell transplantation and bone marrow transplantation. These are all the effective treatments that can show seculars results. Doctor and feel better. Chronic leukemia patients who do not experience symptoms of leukemia may not require immediate treatment.
Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs kills leukemia cells. The drugs depends on the type of leukemia cancer, the patient may receive a drug or two or more drugs. The drugs may be imposed by mouth, by injection directly in to a vein, through catheter, or by injection in to the spine of the patients of leukemia cancer. It does not harm normal cells. So it is very safe and effective treatment. It is the major form of treatment for leukemia.
Radiation therapy is used to tract with special machine that emirs high-energy rays to damage cancer cells and stop them from growing. The rays may be focused on certain areas of leukemia cells are occurring, or you may receive radiation directed at your whole body.
Bone marrow transplantation helps to replace leukemia bone marrow with leukemia-free marrow. This treatment involves the high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This aids to destroy leukemia-producing bone marrow. Then this is replaced by bone marrow from a compatible donor.
People can choose right treatment choices and not matter what kind of cancer therapy, they choose, they will all need medication to control pain and side effects.
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