Monday, January 5, 2009

How to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks? Top Tips to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks

Losing 10 pounds in two weeks sounds quite audacious. But nothing is impossible. Only you need proper guidance and right attitude. There are several individual approaches to this mission. But as the time duration is less you need a blend of these.
-Running/Jogging/Walking: Start the day with 45 minutes of running, jogging, or walking according to your comfort level. You can mix these three or any two of these also. Running is one of the most efficient forms of cardio exercise. In addition to burning lots of calories during this period, it also keeps your metabolic rate higher for longer duration. Higher the metabolic rate implies higher fat burn.
-Strength Training: More muscle is capable of burning more calories, even at rest. So if you have higher muscle-mass you will be burning calories while watching movie or playing computer game. Strength training helps you in building greater muscle mass along with burning calories directly. 30 to 45 minutes of strength training exercise is enough for keeping you fit.
-Dieting: Dieting plays a crucial role for quick weight loss. Say you are burning 2000calories/ day and taking 3000 calories of diet everyday, then there is no way you can lose 10 pounds ever. So consume fewer amounts of calories and burn more than those. Drink lots of water. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Instead of two heavy meals go for 5 to 6 light meals everyday. This will keep metabolic rate at a higher level through out the day. Also eat foods that will speed up metabolism. Go for food those are rich in fiber. This will make you feel less hungry & suppress appetite.
These are the best ways to lose weight naturally. This schedule may not be suitable for you if you have any other health issues. Consult your physician if you have any health problem before going for this.
Oprah is getting slimmer and healthier, Now its your turn to get the Dynamic Duo!


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