The ancient Greeks believed that a body’s good health was vital as it is the vessel of the mind. The mind houses your humanity, and, therefore, exercise of the mind is as well as body is important for full maturing and development. The purpose of a human’s time on earth is to live the best, balanced life and to explore the unexamined facets that make us better human being.
For a healthy life you need to maintain good diet, physical and mental work.
Good diet:
In Ayurveda food is divided in to three categories Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic.
Satvic food is one that can be digested easily and brings balance to one's mind. It helps in building immunity. Satvic food are food closest to the natural form like milk, milk products, fruits, most fresh vegetable except garlic, onion, scallions, and chives.
Grain cereals like lentils, sprouts and natural sweeteners like jaggery, honey, natural oils like ghee, butter and vegetable oils are Satvic foods.
A person who follows the Satvic food habits is known to possess a clear mind, is balanced, moderate in habits and focused. One usually avoids intoxicants like alcohol, stimulants like tea, coffee, tobacco and non-vegetarian food.
Rajasic food is one that is fresh but heavy to digest. Those who indulge in heavy physical activity should eat such food. This includes non-vegetarian food like meat, fish eggs, chicken, all whole pulses and dals, which are not sprouted. Food prepared from sour, salty, spicy ingredients increase Rajasic qualities. Hot spices like chilies, pepper, vegetables, including onions and garlic, are all included under this category.
Tamasic food includes all kinds that are not fresh and are unnatural, overcooked, stale and processed. All foods made from refined flour, pastries, pizzas, burgers, chocolates, soft drinks, stimulants like tea, coffee, tobacco, intoxicants like alcohol and wines fall under the Tamasic category. Even canned and preserved foods like jams, jellies, pickles and fermented food come under this group. Fried foods, sweets made from sugar, ice creams, pudding and most modern day junk foods, spicy, salty, sweet, and fatty foods are also included in this list.
The following are the benefits you will enjoy if you work out daily:
People who are physically active live longer.
Improved Memory: As regular exercise stimulates new brain cell development
Antidepressant. Study after study has shown that exercise promotes mental health and reduces symptoms of depression.
Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease
Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure
Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol
Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer
Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat
Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
Improve psychological well-being
Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance
Last but not the least if your exercise regularly you will get sound sleep, which today most of them are missing.
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