Monday, January 5, 2009

Valentine Cruises - Fall in Love

The best Valentine vacations are often the ones where you take in a breathtaking view, like sunset or sunrise, a starlit sky, or simply the calm ocean.
On any given day, cruise ships provide lovers with a romantic getaway experience. But of course, as with anything good, going onboard a cruise ship costs money. But with a little bit of diligence, you can actually have a very good experience minus the hassles of preparation. Here are some tips:
1. Read up on cruise ships
There are many cruise companies travelling in different parts of the world. Some travel within the shores of mainland USA while others travel to the Caribbean and the Hawaiian islands. Since different cruises offer different wonderful experiences, it is very important to read up on their destinations as well as schedules and departure times.
2. Know what you want to do while on a cruise
Different cruise packages offer you different things to do while you are onboard. Ask yourself what you want to do while onboard a cruise ship. The most romantic parts of a trip are often in the evenings. So what do you do in the daytime?
3. Find tips from seasoned travelers
Your best resources for travelling are always the seasoned travelers. And if you are going on a cruise, you should find cruise travelers to help you on the way. From tips on traveling to finding the most reputable cruise ship companies, it always pays to ask. The best thing is that you do not even have to have living and breathing friends. There are many online message boards on traveling and there are many travelers who can give you unbiased insights.
4. Explore specials and Promotions
Like other segments in the tourism industry, cruise ship companies also provide specials as a means to marketing their company, especially for a particular season. So take heed and read up. You might just find the perfect vacation getaway via those cruise ship specials. For the valentine season, you might just find an advertisement that reads: Valentine Cruise for two.
5. Free up your mind and your schedule
Cruise ships often come in 7-day, 14-day to 21-day packages. For very busy persons, this may seem like a lot of time away from work. But this is precisely why you are taking a vacation ?to take your mind off work. So take a leave and enjoy. Condition yourself to enjoy your vacation rather than being nervous about the work that you have to do when you get back. Remember, you are on a romantic cruise to be with your partner.
6. Bring some provisions with you
Cruise ships often cost a lot of money. So it often pays to save on costs where you can. Bring your own water or your own bottle or bottles of wine. It might sound cheap to some, but your partner will surely appreciate your practicality.


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