Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Facts about humans

o Ancient Egyptians often named their children as “how drunk is chops” or “how intoxicated is hath”.
o Your thing bone is stronger than concrete.
o Nose helps to filter the dirt and dust in the air.
o Nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
o The hair of men grows faster than women.
o Fingers have no muscles.
o Dark hair grows faster than light-colored hair.
o Eyelashes keep dust out of the eyes.
o Each eye weighs 1 ¼ ounces.
o The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
o A new born baby’s brains weigh three ounces.
o Women blink twice as many times as men do.
o Approximately, there are 550 hairs in the eye brow.
o A baby is born every seven seconds.
o The jawbone is the hardest bone in the human body.
o According to German researches, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday between 9 to 10 am.
o France is most distrustful in the world.
o The brains look pink because of the blood flowing through it.
o Bone marrow is the only part that grows.
o You use 20 different facial muscles when you kiss.
o Abraham Lincoln and Paul revere were distant relatives.
o The smell of peppermints can improve the concentration in humans.
o Many residents of troublesome creek, Kentucky, have blue skin.
o Smelling green apples and Bananas can help you to lose weight.
o Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
o Your heart beats over 100,000 times per day.
o Blinking helps to wash tears over your eyeballs.
o When a woman is pregnant, her senses are all heightened.
o Men sweat more than women.
o Women heart beats faster than men.
o Blood was used by Native Americans for painting early.
o More than 50 percent of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.
o The hair of an adult man or woman can strengthen 25 percent of its length without breaking.


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