You can practice yoga for all sorts of reasons: to remain fit; to stay healthy or recover the healthy or recover the health; to balance nervous system; to calm busy mind and to live in a more meaningful way. All these goals are worthy of our attention and pursuit.
Yoga is the product of the oldest enduring civilization in the world. It has been spread all over the world and people relax like anything. There are no bad side effects from the yoga session. Yoga can do on home, school or yoga centers under proper training. Some doctors refer yoga for certain diseases.
It regulates the body and can reduce waistlines.
Yoga has been practiced thousands of years ago. There are several branches of yoga include jnana-yoga, karma-yoga, bhakthi-yoga, mantra yoga and so on. Every posture has its own benefits and uses. It is also simple to do. Yoga is a combination of subtle or physical movements which deepen awareness and concentration. Each yoga postures have a correspondingly different Effect on the body and mind.
The practice of yoga can distribute the generated energy of all over the body. It benefits the spinal cord and stick away from diseases. It serves good from the head to the feet. Every parts of the body get benefit from the session of yoga. Matter and energy merge in to pure consciousness in a stage of intoxicating bliss, the goal of yoga. Having attained this, the yogi gains supreme knowledge and passes beyond birth and death.
Yoga is a state of being in which one can remain physically and mentally ready, calm, quiet and comfortable. It poses a specific body position which opens energy channels and psychic centers. Most modern day diseases are psychosomatic in nature. Drug treatment of these ailments is only symptomatic and fails to treat the root of this disease. Asana, one of the postures of yoga, if done correctly, in a non-competitive and relaxed atmosphere, not only relax the muscles of the body but these relaxing impulses travel back to the brain and relax the mind. Once the mind is relaxed, the root cause of much disease is removed.
Yoga are used in order to purify the body of toxins and to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path. It also increases general flexibility of the body. Yoga is intimacy connected well with the life of the people of the world.
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