Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Diet management in gout

Gout is a kind of arthritis. It is mainly caused by a defect in the body’s ability to metabolize uric acid. The result is an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints tendons and issues can experience pain and inflammation over the body. It occurs at any stages of both men and women. It is not serious but a severe disease. Typically a single joint is involved; most probably the base of the big toe, also the knees, wrists and knees can be badly affected by this disorder. Gout is also accompanied with obesity, especially with a build up of fat in the abdominal area.

This is a disease that can result from metabolism from endogenous puriness, metabolism from dietary puriness, and reduced urinary excretion and so on. A person with gout can spoil the whole life. So it is mandatory to cure this disease as early as possible. A person can also concentrate on his diet to give up the complications of this disease. the diet can restrict certain foods and allow the person to lead a healthy life. Obesity is the main cause of gout. Certain foods can help to function the body wholly and naturally without any health disorders. Thus the person can stay away from diseases and save the money to be wasted on health care centers.

The diet can involve in to low-calorie food and exercise should be on regular to control excess of body weight, as a result from gout. But fasting and sudden weight loss should be avoided for the welfare of the people. One can also concentrate on excess fluid intake as liquid foods and water has to be included to prevent the build-up of excess uric acid and crystals. He/she should concentrate only on low-calorie foods. Excess of calorie intake is the main cause of obesity. They can also include plenty of fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables for potassium, which aids in excretion of uric acid by keeping the urine alkaline. But spinach is restricted to the patients of gout.

Purine rich foods such as peas, mushroom, lentils, organ meats like liver, kidney, fishes like herring, sardine, mackerel, and shrimp has to be avoided. Excess intake of coffee, tea and chocolate has to be avoided. Excess intake of pulses and dhals has to be reduced in one’s diet. Fried foods and excess oil intake should be avoided to reduce the risk of gout. Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids that largely found in fish oil and evening primrose oil (in 4:1 ratio) may also help to reduce stiffness and tenderness of the joints.



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