Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a contagious disease that occurs in the human body due to the inflammation of bacteria, virus, or fungus in the lungs. It can also occurred by inhaling vomit on certain chemicals. It is a serious illness that affects one out of every 100 people each year. People of all ages are highly suffered from this disease including older adults, babies, infants; young children are all at highest risk. It can weaken immune system and pass to ill the lungs. Pneumonia can be spread to the people through the air of bacteria. People with pneumonia may also experience fever, difficult or painful breathing, painful and productive coughs.

There are several causes of pneumonia. Although most cases of pneumonia are caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal infection and also by the obstruction of bronchial tubes. It can transmit by coughs and sneezes, and by hand washing. These can all easily spread the bacteria from the infected person to other human body. Even if the person is supposed to share drinking glass and eating utensils can also have a high chance to stick with the disease of pneumonia. People can also lower your chances of guessing pneumonia by staying away from cold, measles, or little chicken pox.
Inhaling of gasoline, lighter fluid, kerosene, liquid polishes, waxier can result in pneumonia rapidly. It can all lose out the elasticity of the lungs and start to spoil the life. But it can be treated well by the efficient physicians. The treatment can vary from person to person depend upon the cause and severity of the pneumonia disease. The treatment includes antibiotics to bacterial pneumonia but ineffective in viral pneumonia. It can be treated well with antiviral medications. Antibiotics may be prescribed when bacteria pneumonia occurs.

The most important signs and symptoms of this contagious disease includes fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, feeling short of breath, slow or rapid breathing, cough with yellowish and greenish mucus, severe pains along the chest wall and much more cigarette smoking also increases the risk of pneumonia. People with AIDS can susceptible with this health disorder. People who have received tissue of organ transplants can develop this pneumonia. It is also more common in people who have had a stroke, Parkinson’s disease or previous throat surgery. The symptoms include headache, loss of apprise, fatigue, confusion, especially in older people, excessive swelling, unexplained weight loss, worsening respiratory symptoms, shaking chilies.

Pneumonia can be prevented by hand washing after blowing the nose, going to the bathroom, diapering and before eating or preparing foods. It is better to quit or avoid smoking habit to decrease the risk of this disease. People can also wear a mask when they clean dusty or muddy areas. It helps to prevent with this disease. People with pneumonia can travel from mild to severe and even be deadly.


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