Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yoga and diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that kills more people in the world. It is of different types. Diabetes means that the body does not produce or use insulin properly. The disease may cause health issues like blindness, stroke, cardiac disease, hypertension, circulatory disorders, and even encourages death. It is a serious disease that affects the whole life. The diabetes is a chronic disease that has been treated successfully under yoga session. It is true that yoga can reverse diabetes. Regular practice of yoga can help to reduce the risk of complications as a result of diabetes. It is quite important to check with your health care provider before taking a decision to rush yoga centers.

But some people say that yoga cannot cure diabetes, but it can help to control the disease. However, yoga is really benefited to this disorder. Yoga exercise can reduce the blood pressure and improves circulation in the body. Yoga involves various poses. Each poses has its own uses and benefits. It also helps to reduce the weight in a weight-loss program. It generally tones the body and muscles like anything. It keeps fit and healthy. It is safe to involve in the program of yoga, only with the help of registered yoga practitioners. Yoga practice can also reduce the harmful effects of physical and mental stress. Stress can increase the blood glucose level and can encourage headache and stroke, so it must be treated under yoga sessions.

Yoga is a very good exercise for the patients of diabetes, as it can increases the blood supply and oxygen supply to the organs. Thus improves insulin administration in the body. Asanas, one of the postures in yoga, is really benefited to treat diabetes. The best time for yogic asanas is early morning and evening. There are certain terms and conditions on yoga sessions. One should start the yoga practice in an empty stomach. If it is done in the evening, there should be a gap between snacks and meals. It is recommended for diabetic patients to eat something immediately after performing exercises. Yoga poses can relax your body and mind and make you energetic person. This exercise also increases energy, reduce obesity and cure diabetes.
Yoga is restricted to some individuals like pregnant women and the people who suffer from low back pain, injuries should not perform certain exercises. It is effective but a strict exercise that should be followed for physical well-being of the people. This results in lowering the level of blood glucose. When exercising, the body needs extra energy, so your body must be prepared for that. For some people with diabetes, after exercise may increase of blood glucose levels. So it is mandatory to check with your physician to avoid side effects of yoga practice.


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