Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dietary benefits of white oats

Oats are best types of grains that white Oats are derived from natural whole grain. Oats are rich in soluble fiber than any other grain which improves the digestive process and constipation. This fiber also helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood. Oats are considered as the healthiest cereals in the market, and versatile choice for breakfast, which keeps us full up for longer term.

Oats are full of protein and minerals that helps in building strong bones, teeth and connective tissue and energy. They are easily digested and so are traditionally regarded as a good food for adults and child alike. Oats are with no added sugar, salt, or additives, naturally low in calories and a good source of natural iron. Oats are rich source of manganese and selenium.

In addition, oats are a very good source of vitamin B1, dietary fiber, magnesium, protein and phosphorus. Oats have essential fatty acids & antioxidants which together with vitamin E slow down the cell damage and reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart diseases. Oat meal is also beneficial to the hormonal systems.

Researchers also found that regular practice of eating white-oat products can helps the dieter to lose weight. Oat Meal helps in women with ovarian and uterine disorders. Many people incorporate porridge for a healthy start to their day, for its various health benefits. Other oats health benefits include lower blood pressure, increased satiety, induce healthy blood flow, and provide longer lasting energy. Eating the whole white oats gives various health benefits as part of healthy balanced diet.

Oats’ quality is getting more quality, by adding it with Oat Bran thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. This Soluble fiber can also help to prevent constipation, colon cancer, piles, gastro-intestinal disorders, varicose veins and much like. So, oats are ideal for everyone that imparts good nutritional benefits. Oats are available in the market throughout the year and can add extra nutrition to several healthy dishes. One should consult with their health care practitioner before experimenting with oats.



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