Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Indians drink

What do Indians like to drink? It seemed at first like a simple enough question when someone asked it the other day. But do we really know?

The problem is not merely that we don’t have anything remotely close to a proper survey on Indian wine drinking habits. Also, the wine produced in Indians is not diverse enough to throw much light on consumer preferences. Yes, domestic production accounts for a little over 6 lakh cases, something like 75 per cent of the total wine consumed in the country. But despite the increase in the number of varietals, the consumer is pretty starved of choice when drinking wine produced in India. Red wines is mainly Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz or a blend of the two. Most whites in the market are either Cheney or Sauvignon Blanc.

Yes, Voigner, Zinfandel, Chardonnay and other varietals are growing in the country, but it is the Big Four that seem to find a way into most bottles. When it comes to domestic wine, people largely drink what is available rather than what they want to.

Perhaps, the pattern of imports may throw up some clues? (Imported wine accounts for some 2 lakh cases of which an estimated 1.6 lakh cases are bought in retail stores or ordered in restaurants. The remainder is sourced from duty free shops or consumed on international flights.)

I asked Aman Dhall, Executive Director of Brindco, the question during his visit to Chennai, where he generously showcased a splendidly diverse and rich range of mid and high-end wines at the launch of Terroir, the Madras Wine Club, at the Taj coromandle hotel. His company is not just India’s largest importer; one out of every two bottles that make its way into the country is a Brindco.

His answers went something like this:

There is a preference for reds over whites. Sixty five per cent of the wine he imports are reds.

Younger people consume a lot of wine. Over 50 per cent are within the 25 to 35 age bracket and possibly another 25 per cent between 35 and 45.

In retail sales, there is a marked preference for new world wines-from countries such as Australia, Chile and South Africa. It’s possible that consumers see better value in them.

The picture is somewhat different in restaurants. Old world wines sell as much as new world ones.

Preference in varietals is hard to gauge. Though among reds, Cabs, Shirazes and Merlots do well.

There is a small but distinct move to experiment with some evidence of a growing preference for Riojas from Spain and Malabecs from Argentina.

Of course, even these broad generalizations need to be qualified. States such as Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh do not sell imported wine in retail stores, so it’s hard to say what people prefer here. In Karnataka, the flat state duty of Rs.225 a bottle imposed in late 2007 (in addition to the central tax of 150 per cent) has probably skewed preferences in favour of mid and high-end wines. Why buy imported plonk if you are paying more in tax than for the product? In Maharashtra, the sudden and thoughtless hike in state taxes has dampened the consumption of foreign wines beyond imagination.

The answer is that we don’t really know –beyond some broad hints at least- about what Indians really like to drink. This may seem like a very longwinded way of professing ignorance. In my defence I can only cite my Philosophy professor, who would insist- that in the absence of conclusive answers- the challenge is to ask the right questions.



Did you know?

  • Ants never sleep while dolphins keep with one eye open.
  • A goldfish has a memory span of about three seconds but that still doesn’t mean you can flush them down the toilet.
  • Pinocchio is Italian for “pine head”.
  • The tune for the A-B-C song is the same as Twinkle Little Star.
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
  • Rafael Nadal’s uncle Miguel played football for FC Barcelona and won 62 caps for Spain. Ironically Rafael supports Real Madrid.
  • During rehearsals in Fight Club Brad Pitt and Edward Norton found out that they both hated the new Volkswagen Beetle with a passion. In the film they are seen banging a Beetle with baseball bats.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

The goodness of fruits

As the heart soars and temperatures cross the bearable mark, everyone runs for succour! Dehydration and heart stroke are the commonest threats during this weather since the body loses salts and essential minerals through sweat. While water may quench your thirst, it does not provide you with instant energy nor is it a replacement for the lost minerals. Of the viable options available, juices are your best bet, say experts. Not only can juices give respite to parched throats but are also rich source of vitamins, minerals.Moreover, they are low on calories and help boost body’s immune system.

Watermelons, grapes, oranges, mangoes, pineapple, apples are all filled with goodness of summer. Having a glass of orange juice with your breakfast is a great way to start the day. Besides being loaded with vitamin C, it is rich in antioxidants. Pineapple juice too is a good source of vitamin C and helps digestion. Specifically for summer afternoons, when the heat at its worst, chilled watermelon and grape juices work best.

The human body is always working to keep a balance between how much heat it generates and how it loses. As the scorching summer sun extracts all the vitamins and minerals from the body, a quick replacement should always be the priority. Fruit juices provide the perfect and speedy recovery; especially in today’s eat-on-the- run lifestyle.

Juices contain all the goodness of the fruit in a condensed form. Juicing extracts the liquid from the fruit, leaving the pulp behind; therefore, allowing the system to rest from the constant work it does while still taking in nourishment.

There are however some precautions to be taken, especially in summer months; juices prepared by roadside vendors can cause more harm than good. Fruit juices prepared by these vendors are exposed to heat, dust and other unhygienic conditions besides being laced with loose salts and ice. Every year there are thousands of cases of typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and gastro-enteritis as a result of consumption of juice sold by vendors. Even though the civic agencies ensure regular checks on vendors, water-trolleys and carts the outbreak of these water-borne diseases is an annual feature.

In such a situation, packaged or carton juices are the most feasible option; not only are they hygienic and nutritional but are convenient and easily available. They ensure that the rays of the sun do not harm and soak away all the goodness of juice inside. The packaging maintains freshness, nutritional quality and the exact taste of the juice, making it absolutely refreshing in summer months. Moreover they do not contain any preservatives and can be stored at ambient temperature up to four months (if not opened).So beat the heat and stays healthy by consuming plenty of juices.



Piramal Healthcare move long-term positive

There is no compelling evidence to show that garlic and onion directly promote aggression or negativity. Be mindful though that any food eaten beyond the body’s requirement can cause gas, acidity, heaviness and this discomfort can make you grumpy, dull, irritable, and aggressive. So, pitch your beautiful urge for a pure and peaceful mind on these healing practices

Eat moderate portions. In the muscle of moderation lie strength of body and steel of will.

Choose easily digestible food: Fresh fruits, raw salad vegetables, rice, wheat, moong, de-fatted dairy products, chowli beans, ladyfingers. At social functions, eat (moderately) with grace whatever is offered.

If you find any regular food causes allergy, swelling, bloating, heartburn, or headache, knock it unhesitatingly out of your shopping list.

Drink 1-2 liters of water daily. Buttermilk is highly recommended too.

Keep your food light, soothing and warm so that it makes you fully satisfied. Chew slowly and relish the food. Appreciate the miracle of being able to eat. Take 1-2 triphala tablets after every meal to aid digestion.

Please understand with great upliftment that you –not the food –have the power to banish negativity. Be vigilant –when a negative thought creeps in, say, “Stop!” Nurture the abundance mentality-feels secure and rooted in the truth that there is plenty of everything for everybody. Freely share recognition that comes your way by warmly acknowledging others. Adopt the philosop0hy, “Life is short, do what’s important.” Make a daily list (please include exercise and meditation) and tick off each task as you finish it. Focused on worthwhile priorities, your mind will blossom in positivity. You won’t do things for happiness, you will express your happiness through doing things.



Walk out with Dignity

There comes a time in everyone’s career when they have to call it quits to a job due to many reasons.

These reasons can be either for a better job opportunity or due to the job stagnancy or for some personal issues and also as in most of the cases, because of the bosses being a pain in their professional lives.

No matter what causes you to put your papers, you must remember to not burn the bridges. It is of utmost importance that one must acknowledge that relations or contacts at work can be of some help when needed for personal or professional needs at any time in the future.

Do’s for a resignation Letter:

• Keep the resignation letter simple and short. It should follow relatively straight forward format. State your intentions clearly.
• Send the letter to your supervisor and mark a copy to the human resources person.
• Indicate the necessary things: If your experience has been great and if you have performed well in that company then the letter can go on a high note and you would want to let your employer know that you have appreciated the opportunity to work with the company.
• Mention things that you would want them to consider or things that you would want to negotiate such as the due bonuses, pending payouts etc, which you are supposed to get.
• You must proof read your resignation letter to avoid any typos, spelling and grammatical errors.
• Ensure you do a proper hand over to your replacement before leaving the job.
• On the last day at work you light want to send out some farewell mails to your colleagues at work. The farewell mails can be simple and you can thank them for their support and you could also provide your contact details such as personal email ID, phone number etc to keep in touch.

Dont’s for a resignation Letter:

• Do not insult your boss, or blame others in the team for any reason or become too emotional and do not forget to mention your last day info, etc.
• During your notice period ensure you, don’t make any statements or get into unnecessary gossip by expressing any opinions that you may later regret.
• Do stay as a productive member of the team. Don’t disappear during your last weeks on the job.
• Don’t brag about that great job opportunity that you are going ahead to pursue.
• Don’t make promises that you can’t keep and won’t be able to deliver on the current projects. That are due to finish by you.



Children of conflict

While society expects kids to be in school or helping their households in the fields or kitchen when not playing and enjoying days of fun and laughter, millions of children around the world get caught in a life of violence and bloodshed. Sadly these are the children who have been abducted, purchased, and evenhanded over by their own families, to participate in armed conflicts.

Even though history abounds with instances of children donning fatigues and fighting battles, it is only in recent times that the world is witnessing the disturbing trend on such a large brazen scale. Today children participate in conflicts both as victims and perpetrators. These are the children who have been robbed of a childhood, deprived of schooling, games, and other patterns of normal social behavior generally observed and expected.

The fate of such children who front-end the impact of global conflict makes for grim reality and a foreboding future.UNICEF chronicles these happenings in report after report.

Worst of crimes:

Responding to the recent spate of deaths of children in suicide carbombings, Ann Veneman, UNICEF, strongly deplored the actions of those who target innocent children, “The perpetrators of these attacks against innocent and unwitting children are shameful and wrong, and nothing can justify these acts. The killing of children cuts at the very heart of a society, and is the worst of crimes.”

It is estimated that some 10 million of the word’s children suffer severe long-lasting psychological trauma as a result of war experiences.

According to medical experts, one of the greatest challenges facing war-ravaged nations is rehabilitating children who see their families destroyed before their very eyes, and reintegrating them into a less harsh if peaceful society.

The psychological fallout is not confined to child combatants, according to aid workers, the impact of war on youngsters is sometimes difficult to assess. Traumatized children frequently go into a deep state of withdrawal and depression. Many ex-child soldiers find it difficult to reintegrate into society.

It is not just the physical and mental/emotional well-being that is at risk. Experts are trying to make it possible for children raised on a diet of conflict and bloodshed to develop into psychologically healthy adults, so they are capable of ending the cycles of hatred that spread bloodshed across the globe and across generations.



Friday, May 22, 2009

Had your cuppa?

Green tea’s antioxidant properties protect the heart. The active ingredient in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), also helps to burn fat by inhibiting the breakdown of hormone norepinephrine. Studies have now shown that it can help sports persons recover from tough workouts. Researchers at Baylor University tested the effects of 1,200 mg of EGCG every day for two weeks an men training to exhaustion on leg exercises. Test subjects showed reduced muscle breakdown and recovered faster compared to the placebo group. Researchers recommend that sports persons take supplements that provide serving, which is 50 per cent EGCG. Taking two servings twice a day is better choice because one cannot drink that much green tea. The body absorbs EGCG better when it comes in supplement form.



Quick facts

They might not be pandemics, but there’s something strange about these seven rare diseases.

Alice in wonderland syndrome: A disorienting neurological condition that affects visual perception. Patients perceive people, animals and objects as smaller than in reality.

Blaschko’s lines: First presented in 1901 by German Doctor Alfred Blaschko, it causes strange stripes all over the human body. Neither a specific disease nor a predictable symptom of a disease, these are an invisible pattern built in to human DNA.

Jumping Frenchman Disorder: A form of weird reflexes. Patients flail their arms, cry out and repeat words. This disease was first identified in some of Maine’s lumberjacks of French Canadian origin.

Legionnaires’ disease: The infectious disease acquired its name in July 1976 when an outbreak of pneumonia occurred among people attending a convention of the American legion in Philadelphia.

Pica: The urge to eat substances like clay and paper. Though it’s said to be linked with mineral deficiency, health experts have found no real cause or cure for this disease.

Progeria: A rare abnormality marked by premature aging in a child. A child born with this disease will be dead by the age of 13.

Walking Corpse Syndrome: A syndrome of mental depression and suicidal tendencies. Patients complain of having lost everything: possessions, part of or entire body, often believing that they are a walking corpse.



Variety foods could make people eat more

Those on diet better avoid buffets, for a new study has shown that people tend to underestimate how much of each item is present when faced with a large variety of items. Joseph P.Redden of the University of Minnesota and Stephen J.Hoch of the University of Pennsylvania came to this conclusion after studying consumers’ perceptions of quantity in a set of requirements.

Their aim was to determine how quantity perceptions influence portion sizes.

“Does a bowl with both red blue candles seem to have more or less than a bowl with only one color candy?” the researchers asked.

“Contrary to popular belief, the presence of variety actually makes it seem like there are fewer items”, they added.

The team first exposed participants to images of colored dots and geometric shapes.

“When items differ, people tend to focus on one type or the other, and find it difficult to merge the multiple types into a whole. However, a set composed of only identical items makes it easy for people to perceive the items as a single, unified whole,” the authors wrote.

According to them, focusing on the larger whole makes a set appear to occupy more space.

“Since people rely on spatial area as a cue for quantity, a set appears to have more items when they are all identical,” they said.




Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain over the muscles, connective tissues, joints, ligaments and tendons. The causes of this disorder are unknown but the symptoms can be treated. However, the main causes of fibromyalgia include stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and much more. Living with fibromyalgia is a difficult task Women are mostly affect from fibromyalgia between the ages of 35 and 55. Men and children can also have this disorder. The first and foremost symptom of fibromyalgia is pain. The pain includes the neck, buttocks, shoulders, arms, the upper back, and the chest. The symptoms can vary from person to person.

People with fibromyalgia can experience everyday tasks difficult and can even cause rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, insomnia, and depression. It can be difficult to treat. But it is important to cure pain and fatigue is the key to living a full and healthy life. It is essential to meet a doctor who is familiar with the treatment of fibromyalgia. Usually, the treatment lasts with a team approach. Family physicians, rheumatologists, or general internists can treat fibromyalgia. It is quite better to get treatment in pain or rheumatology clinic. Not only the medical treatment but also nutrition, exercise, and sleep therapy can help. Some fibromyalgia patients are highly benefited from massage, acupuncture and relaxation techniques etc.



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