Friday, May 22, 2009


Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain over the muscles, connective tissues, joints, ligaments and tendons. The causes of this disorder are unknown but the symptoms can be treated. However, the main causes of fibromyalgia include stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and much more. Living with fibromyalgia is a difficult task Women are mostly affect from fibromyalgia between the ages of 35 and 55. Men and children can also have this disorder. The first and foremost symptom of fibromyalgia is pain. The pain includes the neck, buttocks, shoulders, arms, the upper back, and the chest. The symptoms can vary from person to person.

People with fibromyalgia can experience everyday tasks difficult and can even cause rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, insomnia, and depression. It can be difficult to treat. But it is important to cure pain and fatigue is the key to living a full and healthy life. It is essential to meet a doctor who is familiar with the treatment of fibromyalgia. Usually, the treatment lasts with a team approach. Family physicians, rheumatologists, or general internists can treat fibromyalgia. It is quite better to get treatment in pain or rheumatology clinic. Not only the medical treatment but also nutrition, exercise, and sleep therapy can help. Some fibromyalgia patients are highly benefited from massage, acupuncture and relaxation techniques etc.


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