No products or services can make money without advertising. Mass production and mass distribution totally depend on advertising and publicity. Even a small products or services need a good advertisement to reach the heart of the customers. Marketing becomes simple and easy when it is associated with advertising sectors. Advertisement can tell numerous people about a product or service in the quickest time interval at the lowest possible cost. The real purpose of advertising is only one, viz, to sell something a product, a service or merely an idea through effective communication. Most of the advertising attempts to stimulate sales to all sorts of customers.
Only advertising can make aware of the entry of the new product in the market. In a simple sentence, ‘marketing is the backbone of modern national and international marketing’. Many amenities like refrigerators, motorcars, cameras, T.V., V.C.R., vacuum cleaners and other appliances are sold in mass markets at very reasonable prices much lower than the prices at which they are initially introduced in the market. Modern advertising informs, guides, educate as well as protects buyers, so that they can buy intelligently and raise their standard of living.
Advertising alone can create mass markets for products and can obviously fill the customer needs and desires. A good advertisement has ling life. It can attract attention of various people. Most of the advertisements have general and wide appeal. However the advertisement, it serves good to the society. Today advertising becomes more fashion that ever before. Advertisement is really a wonderful means of mass communication for creating market in the society.
The advertisement should be clear, simple, short and attractive to hold attention of the people. It should reflect the contents of advertisement and guide the prospects properly. It may show a promise or reward and induce prompt action. In the marketing program of a business firm, advertising is a reliable tool supplemented by salesmen-ship and sales promotion.[IMG][/IMG]
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