Health is a state of well being. It is a general state of a person’s physical, mental and social viability. Good health is freedom from sickness and diseases and more than that freedom from anxiety and from social and psychological tensions. All the environmental conditions are necessary for a healthy life. Unclean personal habits of individuals make it difficult to maintain a healthy environment.
Proper diet, personal and domestic hygiene, clean food and water, fresh air, enough exercise, relaxation and good habits are the basic conditions for leading a good healthy life.
A good diet should have the combination of a variety of foods like milk, leafy vegetables, wheat, rice, fish etc. right and suitable type of food in sufficient quantity is necessary for a healthy body. The essential nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, vitamins and mineral salts.
A balanced diet is that which has all the nutrients in proper proposition. It should contain the nutrients in the right proportion for particular age, sex, nature of work, physical condition etc. for instance, an elderly person’s diet differ from that of a hard labors and so on. Adults required a balance with less fatty food. Growing children need plenty of energy giving and body building food. Persons recover from illness need extra vitamins. Proper diet, hygiene, clean good habits, regular physical activity are necessary conditions for leading a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet is one that has all the nutrients in the right proportion.
Milk is considered a wholesome food. We knew that new born babies have only milk as their food, especially when they are breast-fed; it provides immunity against certain diseases.
Milk is a food item which can be taken by all young or old, healthy or sick and much more. It contains calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, protein, fats and vitamins. In about 100 gm, it has 3.3 gm of proteins and 3.8 gm of fats.
Honey is other simple food item that is easily digestible and suitable for all age groups. It has got medicinal and nutritive value.
Eggs have also high nutritive value. It has got proteins, fat, iron, nitrogen, sulphur and vitamins.
Fresh greens contain many minerals and vitamins.
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