Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cleaner Industrial Production: why?

Industry continues to pose a potential threat to the environment, both globally and locally. It accounts for approximately one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and a large percentage of the hazardous waste generated.

For the past two decades, industry in most developed countries has relied on end-of-pipe pollution abatement as the main pollution control technique. Although end-of-pipe treatment is effective, it has proved to be expensive. Nowadays the more aggressive countries are calling for cleaner industrial production, a preventive approach that attempts to minimal waste. This holistic approach demand that the industrial pollutants be treated not at the end-of-pipe stage, but rather that they be prevented together, throughout the production process. Cleaner production techniques range from inside-the-factory changes in management, to shop-floor operations and processes, equipment and sometimes alterations in the products themselves. Cleaner production means adapting industrial processes to use raw materials and to generally reduce emissions and wastes.

Enterprises everywhere are reaping environmental financial benefits from cleaner industrial production.


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