Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Health and fitness

If a machine is treated with care and given proper maintenance, it is more likely to function efficiently. Similarly, human body is most likely to function to the best of its ability of it is kept fit and healthy. Health may be defined as the state of being well in body and mind. Fitness is an indication of how efficiently the body’s muscles, heart and lungs are working. If people are fit, they can deal with the requirements put upon their bodies by everyday activities, such as walking, swimming, cycling, stair climbing and lifting such as sprinting for a bus. Mental health-the mind’s fitness- is also important for well-being.

The human body requires exercise to fitness. Exercise makes the heart and lungs work more efficiently, and strengthen muscles and bones. This helps keep the body flexible. Gentle stretching is a good way to start an exercise programme.

When someone is in good health it means their body is working to its full potential and is not impeded by physical or mental diseases. People’s health may suffer as they become older, if they eat a poor diet, if they are poor, if they are exposed to pollution, or work in a harmful environment.

Many people in developed countries are overweight, take little exercise and eat too much fatty food. This makes them unfit and stay unhealthy. Following a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and not too much fat, combined with regular exercise, aid better health.

A healthy diet consists of the right amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The energy it provides should keep the body at its ideal weight.

Regular relaxation reduces stress and tension, increases a sense of well-being, and decreases the risk of disease. There are many ways to relax, including massage yoga and meditation.

Mental health is the fitness of the mind. Problems may be caused by heredity or emotional problems caused by relationships or lifestyle. Keeping fit, discussing problems, and seeking professional help all can improve a person’s mental health. Some people are affected by mental illness that has been caused by brain disorder. In such case, people with mental illness must be treated by registered psychiatrists.

A doctor carries out a check-up, or physical examination, to make sure that a person is healthy, and to look out for anything that may be wrong. During a check-up, the doctor will ask the patient how he or she feels, look at and feel the patient’s body, use a stethoscope to listen to breathing and the heart, and measure blood pressure. So, it is essential to check the body in everyone’s life. Thus aids to improve diseases and stick with healthy lifestyle.



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