Sunday, April 19, 2009

Constipation and laxatives

Constipation, which is difficult or infrequent evacuation of the bowels, is commonly reported by adults. Slow movement of fecal material through the large intestine causes constipation. As fluid is increasingly absorbed during the extended time the feces stay in the large intestine, they become dry and hard.

Constipation can result when people regularly inhibit their normal bowel reflexes for long periods. People may ignore normal urges when it is inconvenient to interrupt occupational or social activities. Muscle spasms of an irritated large intestine can also slow the movement of feces and contribute to constipation. Medications such as antacids and calcium and iron supplements can also cause constipation.

Eating foods with plenty of fiber, such as whole-grain breads and cereals, is the best method for treating typical cases of constipation. Fiber stimulates peristalsis by drawing water into the large intestine and helping form a bulky, soft fecal output. People with constipation should also drink more fluids, and eating dried fruits can help stimulate the bowel. In addition, people with constipation may need to develop more regular bowel habits; allowing the same time each day for a bowel movement can help train the large intestine to respond routinely. Finally, relaxation facilitates regular bowel movements, as does regular physical activity.

Laxatives can also lessen constipation. These work by irritating the intestinal nerve junctions to stimulate the peristaltic muscles, or by drawing water in to the intestine to enlarge fecal output. The larger output stretches the peristaltic muscles, making them rebound and then constrict. Regular use of laxatives, especially irritating ones, however, can decrease muscle action in the large intestine- in time, causing more constipation. The GI tract can then actually become dependent on laxatives. Thus, it is unwise for anyone to use laxatives routinely, although people in certain circumstances- for example, those who are bedridden or quite elderly-may need periodic help from laxatives to relieve constipation


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