Monday, April 27, 2009

History of massage

Massage has been introduced to the people right from ancient era. It is also considered as the simple form of medical care. The earliest writing of massage was found in china around 3000 BC. A Chinese book named “The Yellow Emperor’s classic of Internal Medicine” pictures the treatment of common ailments during the second century BC.

In India, massage has been done under Ayurveda with the uses of aromatic oils and spices. It is very fame in India. In the 6th century AD, the Japanese further developed the art of massage to manipulate energy and discourage diseases. Then the massage traveled west ward to the ancient Greece and Rome. Then massage has been passed on the hands of physicians to treat various aliments in the 16th century. Massage techniques has been spread all over the world including Japan, US, and Egypt.

Swedish massage which is more familiar to US was developed by a doctor named Per Henrik Ling. He borrowed the techniques from various countries like china, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Today Swedish massage was developed combining modern principles of physiology with ancient techniques.

The patients who were suffering from nerve damage during World War I were highly treated with massage to soothe pain and stress. In the 5th century B.C.E in Greece, Hippocrates, the father of western medicine write that “a physician must be experienced in many things”. He insisted that massage techniques can travel along with fresh air, good food, baths and music. Thus helps to treat the disease easy.

Today it is widely accepted that massage has something for every one from infants to the elderly people. Children, pregnant women, manual laborers, office workers, school and college pupils – can benefit from massage. Massage is also now used in intensive care units, babies in incubators, and patients with cancer, AIDS, heart attacks, strokes. It has been frequently offered in massage parlors, health centers, drug treatment clinics and hospitals.

In this mechanical world all sorts of people are tilled with tension, stress, anxiety and depression including house wives and servant maids. There is one place to cool down both the body and mind- it is obviously massage parlors. Now many people are largely rely on massage parlors to keep them cool and relax.


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