Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hot massage

In this day and age where long work hours have begun to take the life on us in the forms of aches, pains, depression, anxiety, stress, forms of relaxation have only become popular. So we are seeking places to relax the mind. Some may move to cinemas, park and beach usually, today people are moving to massage centers to cool down both mind and body. It is quite effective too. Mostly they prefer hot stone massage that help in relaxing muscles and calming the nervous system.

Lava stocks or stones made of basalt used for relaxation therapies. River rocks that are rich in iron can also be used. The stones can be of anything from half to the inches. These stones have a gravitational energy to them. This makes more people grounded. These stones are heated up to the moderate temperature foe general well-being.

The regular procedure is to get a massage with aromatic oil. Following the massage with oil, the stones that are heated up in water are glided along gently over the body in rhythmic movements. They are then placed at different pressure of stones can be vary according to the treatment.
The combination of deep heat and pressure massages body tissues and cause a feeling of deep relaxation and absorbs pain. The duration that the stones are left on the body depends on the heat that the patient generates. This increases the blood circulation and relaxation of the muscles and also aids mental relaxation. The warmth of the hot stone encourages circulation and calms down the nervous system. People who are suffering from back pain, muscle aches, osteoarthritis, stress, anxiety and depression can highly benefit from hot stone massage.

The high benefits of hot stone massage are numerous.The heat from the stone relaxes muscles and improves the blood to the area being worked on. This further accelerates healing process. The cost of this relaxation therapy can range from 1500 to 5500. But it is more effective than any of the massage therapies that the patients have tried. They are so relaxed and tempted them to move to massage parlors often.


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