Friday, May 22, 2009

Quick facts

They might not be pandemics, but there’s something strange about these seven rare diseases.

Alice in wonderland syndrome: A disorienting neurological condition that affects visual perception. Patients perceive people, animals and objects as smaller than in reality.

Blaschko’s lines: First presented in 1901 by German Doctor Alfred Blaschko, it causes strange stripes all over the human body. Neither a specific disease nor a predictable symptom of a disease, these are an invisible pattern built in to human DNA.

Jumping Frenchman Disorder: A form of weird reflexes. Patients flail their arms, cry out and repeat words. This disease was first identified in some of Maine’s lumberjacks of French Canadian origin.

Legionnaires’ disease: The infectious disease acquired its name in July 1976 when an outbreak of pneumonia occurred among people attending a convention of the American legion in Philadelphia.

Pica: The urge to eat substances like clay and paper. Though it’s said to be linked with mineral deficiency, health experts have found no real cause or cure for this disease.

Progeria: A rare abnormality marked by premature aging in a child. A child born with this disease will be dead by the age of 13.

Walking Corpse Syndrome: A syndrome of mental depression and suicidal tendencies. Patients complain of having lost everything: possessions, part of or entire body, often believing that they are a walking corpse.


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