Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Amino acid discovered on comet

Astronomers claim to have found an amino acid on a comet. The ‘discovery’ confirms that some of life’s building blocks were delivered to the early earth from space. Amino acids form when organic, carbon-containing compounds and water are zapped with a source of energy, such as photons- a process that can take place on earth or in space.

Previously, amino acids have been found in space rocks that fell to earth as meteorites. Now, a team at NASA Goddard space flight center has analysed the samples from the agency’s stardust mission and traces the amino acid called glycine to an icy comet for the first time, the new scientist reported.

“It’s not necessarily surprising, but it’s very satisfying to find it there because it hasn’t been observed before, “lead astronomer Jamie Elsila said.


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