Instead of focusing only on upgrading syllabi and inducting more teachers, the government should encourage the use of technology and e-learning to provide skills training to industry workers, according to B. Santhanam, chairman, Confederation of Indian Industry National Committee on skills.
“Conventional teaching goes from theory to practice. Even in many industrial training institutes, people have very little hands-on training,” Mr.Santhanam said, speaking at a plenary session on Quality Education and skills organized by CII.
While the syllabus needed to be looked into and the shortage of quality teachers was a concern, he said that technology alone could provide a long-term solution to the systemic problem.
The number of workers needing skill training in Indian industry was around 244 million, with 13-15 million people more added to the workforce each year, he said, quoting data from the 2005 National Sample Survey.
In this scenario, focus should shift to introducing e-learning methodology. “There is a good welding simulator that reduces the training period to five days from 30 days. Similar tools should be developed for other skills,” he said.
The government should make some skills completely e-enabled instead of trying e-enabled instead of trying to diversify and introduce more new skills. For 80 percent of industry requirements, training in 400 trades was sufficient and the government should spend the money allocated to the national skills mission to introduce technology-based training in these he said.
The CII suggested other recommendations including the setting up of specific education zones, the need for closer industry-academia partnerships and the formation of a high level committee by the state government to evaluate and implement benchmarks for quality education.
It also noted that many of the CII recommendations had already been implemented in Tamilnadu. these included: soft skills training for university students, the formation of the ICT academy and the project to train 15,000 school dropouts in modular skills to place them amongst cII member companies.
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