Thursday, June 18, 2009

Science in the Service of Man

We live in an age of science. Science has made our life comfortable. The fans and air conditioners abate the heat of the hot summer. Dazzling electric illuminate our houses. The electric trains make for a fast journey. The radio and the television bring joy into our homes. Like the magic lamp of Allaudin electricity works wonders. This electricity is a bequest of science.

Science has made great strides in the world of medicine. Today nothing is incurable under the sun. Powerful drugs are made up. Thanks to plastic surgery, the deformed become dignified. Transplantation of human organs has become practicable. Like blood banks, eye banks are set up. They help the blind to enjoy the blessings of vision.

Agriculture is being revamped. Farmers of today adopt scientific methods. Pesticides and manures have brought about green revolution. Travel has become safe and quick. Supersonic jet planes fly faster than sound. Rockets and satellites zoom into space. Man has conquered the moon. Recently the computer has come on the scene. This electronic marvel is doing things man has never dreamt of earlier. In short science has made our life worth living.

But science is not an unmixed blessing. Who could forget the fate of Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Think of the death and disaster brought about by the gas leak in Bhopal. It is a timely warning to the modern man who meddles with science recklessly. Big powers are busy inventing perilous bombs. If another war breaks out the whole world would be reduced to ashes. So science should be coupled with morals. It should be our servant not our master.


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