Food safely experts agreed for the first time on the qualities defining a tomato, in a first step toward an international code on preventing fruit and vegetable contamination. Tomatoes are currently the focus of an investigation by U.S. health officials who are looking for the cause of a salmonella outbreak that has sickened 922 people in at least 40 states.
World health organization(WHO) scientist peter Ben embarek said the classification of tomatoes based on their size,shape,color,firmness,and defects and accordant rules on tomato labeling, would facilitate trade and eventually make it easier for regulators to impose safety standards.
“now it is much clearer for every body what you call a class 1 tomato, for example, and what you can expect when you buy a class 1 tomato,” Ben embarek said at the end of a week-long meeting of the codex alimentarius commission, a food safety body.
“It is part of an effort of codex to improve the quality and safety of fruit and vegetables,” he said, adding that officials planned to later focus on leafy green vegetables and melon.
“Within a few years you will have safety standards for all these products, looking at where the contamination comes from,” he said, describing risks from soil, water, and wild animals that can result in health problems for consumers. The codex alimentarius, or food code, is a global reference point for producers, processors, regulators and ttraders.its limits for toxins, bacteria and other compounds in food are used by the world trade organization (WTO) as the public health benchmarks countries should be allowed to enforce with import rules. Measures requiring more stringent standards are considered unfair barriers that can be challenged in WTO court.
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