Thursday, June 18, 2009

Evils of Science

Though science has brought in welcome changes it has also ushered in countless evils and horrors. Today we boast of high yielding crops and green revolution. But the indiscriminate use of pesticides has caused more harm than good. The toxic chemicals find their way into the grains and vegetables we consume. Naturally man is becoming vulnerable to diseases and disabilities hitherto unknown to medical science.

We have quick means of transport. But road accidents, plane crashes and train mishaps keep hitting the headlines. Drugs which were prepared to save precious lives are being abused. Thrill loving youngsters plunge into the quicksand of drug addiction and their number is increasing day by day.

Pollution is another serious threat brought about by modern science. Industries keep filling the air with toxic smoke. They empty their wastes into the rivers. The air we breathe and the water we drink are being polluted. The smoke thrown out by the vehicles makes the air impure. This impure air causes diseases related to breathing. The polluted water causes countless skin diseases. Thanks to air pollution the atmosphere becomes unprotected. The solar radiation hits us directly and causes serious ailments.

Modern warfare is another evil posed by the growth of science. The much criticized ABC warfare is becoming more destructive. Big powers are busy inventing perilous bombs. They keep dumping nuclear weapons underground. They threaten to blow up the earth. Man is holding the wolf by the ears. He is sitting uneasily under the sword of Damocles. Science has thrown open the Pandora’s Box. Science without reason is galloping on and on like a horse without bridle. Time alone can tell us where this craze will lead us.


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