Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Give team space to learn, help attain professional growth

Most employees wait for instructions from higher ups before talking action even though they very well know that action is absolutely necessary. They also wait to be blessed with empowerment by superiors before exercising any authority. Even in areas that directly affects their own work output, they expect someone from above to initiate needed changes.

Why do they hesitate to act independently? They do not stand on their own two feet but on those of others probably out of fear of failure. Management experts view this dependence in higher management for everything as a sign of professional immaturity. But the sad part however is that we hardly realize the devastating impact this kind of responsibility avoidance has on the overall organizational productivity.

In a way even organizations promote this kind of professional immaturity albeit inadvertently. When a blaming culture exists in the organization it is only natural that employees avoid taking responsibility. Far often even managers display a similar professional immaturity and thereby fail to help their employee to grow. Understanding the importance of accepting responsibility is crucial for professional success.

To move forward in their careers employees must be willing to shoulder bigger responsibilities and also take ownership of activities assigned to them by displaying a proactive attitude. Leading by example you can successfully displace a blaming culture at least in your corner of the world. Fear of failure and rebuke often prevent people from taking up responsibilities. Therefore, give your team the necessary space to learn experiment and grow. Explain to them that it is okay to fail as long as they learn something from the experience and avoid making the same mistakes again. When the fear is removed from their minds they act independently and quite successfully too.

Freedom to use their discretion and creativity in fact works as an effective motivator and brings out the best from them. While assigning responsibilities to your employees you must also coach them on proper professional behaviour. This will help them to discharge their responsibilities independently without wasting time waiting for your approval at every juncture. Let them know that they should always focus on results and to achieve those results they must take action in time. They should be discouraged from dumping problems upwards and asked to come up with solutions. If they are in the habit of complaining about various issues teach them to work constructively to bring the issues to a closure.

Avoidance of responsibility is an all-pervasive problem often resulting in delayed action or even inaction leading to poor outcomes. But when you acknowledge the presence of this common menace and show willingness to become part of a solution, things will surely improve. You must take some time out to improve the professional maturity of your team in spite of your busy schedule. After all the ultimate responsibility of executing projects successfully rests on you!


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