Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ragas do have curative power

Music therapy is not new to Indians. It is called Gandharvaved in ayurveda where there is reference about particular ragas treating particular diseases.

The raga hindol used in a specific way gave miraculous relief to patients suffering from spondylitis. Lower back and knee pains in other patients also gave similar results. Being an engineer and a student of science, I wondered about the phenomenon behind these occurrences and started discussing with qualified therapists- Dr Himalaya Pantavaidya (M.D). a well-known anesthetist, and Vaidyaraj Sanjay Chhajed (M.D. Ayurveda), a Nadiatadnya (pulse expert), helped me clear my doubts- and I formulated a theory and system of music therapy called Sur-Sanjeevan, based on four major aspects – modern science; mood elevation theory; principles of ayurved; traditions of Indian classified music.

Stress relaxation:

Music can affect one’s moods in various ways. It can relax as well as activate the mind. At the end of a hectic day of work, your brain goes to the beta frequency state (between 12 and 16 Hertz). A favourite piece of slow instrumental music will bring it back to its relaxed alpha state (between 9 and 12 Hertz) and then in Theta state (between 5 and 8 Hertz). Any raga, any ghazal, any western music, film songs, fast or slow music- whatever you like can be used for relaxation. Music refreshes your mind, elevates your mood and prepares you for the next activity. Alaaps in ragas like Yaman, Bihag, Malkauns, Darbari Kanada on flute or violin are particularly effective in soothing the mind.

To perform your work smoothly, to accept challenges, to complete a task in scheduled time, you need ‘positive stress’ Ragas like hindol, Alaiya Bilawal and Bihag Shankara will enhance your willpower and help prepare your mind to face difficult situations.

Feelings like tension, anxiety, grief, anger, fear and depression create disturbances in the mind and generate harmful ‘negative stress’. To reduce tension and anxiety, a feeling of reassurance is required. Ragas like Rageshree and Gavti on instruments like sitar and sarod, played in Madhyalaya (medium speed), should be used for this purpose.

To get relief from grief, ragas like Kalavati and Bihag can be used. For anger, the Noon Ragas like Madmad Sarang and Multani heard several times over give you results. Ragas like Yaman and Bhoop are effective in combating fear, while ragas like Darbari, Sohni and Shankara are useful for depression.


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