Child development is closely related to water in all its aspects. At birth the total weight of the infant is 73% of fluids. Adult having 58% of fluids. Important of water in children:-
1. Children need more water than adults because of their large consumption of energy.
2. Young Infants do not require any addition food or water or any other drinks.
3. Breast milk alone is adequate to meet the hydration requirement even under the extremely hot & dry summer.
4. Infants easy to get dehydration because of infants rate of metabolism is increased that adult.
5. Introduction of semisolid foods during second half of the first year.
6. During this period given small amount of fluids if introduction of water to mix the weaning food & fruit juice.
7. Children should be encourage to drink water if they are not thirst.
8. Child health & development can be affected by contaminated drinking water.
9. Today many children bottled sodapopar soft drinks to be taken.
10. Soft drinks contain sugar & caffine, it leads to child dehydration.
11. If the children taking unhygienic & contaminated water to develop water- born infections disease.
Water Born Diseases:-
Bacterial infections:-
– Cholera, E- coil, Dysintery, Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, Typhoid fever
Viral Infection:-
Gastro enteritis, SARS (CORONO VIRUS), Hepatitis A, Poliomyelitis
Protozol Infection:-
Amoebiasis, Giardiasis
-Taeniasis – Ascariasis, Enterobiasis.
Preventive Measures:-
1. Advice the Parents 5-6 months of child’s to given exclusive breast feeding.
2. Explain the family members to be maintained clean environment.
3. Drinking water for the baby should be given boiled & cold water at least for the first year of life.
4. Advice the child to practice good hand washing technique after toileting and before eating.
5. Advice the mother stored water should be kept in covered pot & taken out with a long handle mug.
6. Advice the parents to be given immunization to prevent some of the water born infection e.g. polio, Typhoid, Hepatitis, A,
7. Advice the parents soft drinks can leads to diabetes, Obesity & Oestoporosis, to be avoid soft drinks given to the children.
8. Advice the Parents water is directly related to the prevention & Cure of child hood asthma with out medication.
So the children encourage to more amount of hygienic water taken.
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