Thursday, July 23, 2009

Glomus tumor

Glomus tumor is a rare swelling/ mass usually found growing under the nail. They are very painful and NOT cancer swelling.

The glomus tumor is the white oval mass on the left side of the nail bed.


The glomus tumor is the small (2 to 6 mm) whitish, bumpy mass growing below the nail bed (the pink soft tissue that grows below your nail plate. They are very sensitive to cold exposure or to pressure).

What are the patient’s complaints?

• Exquisite pain when they hold a glass of ice water, or put their fingers in cold water.
• Unbearable pain when someone/ objects accidentally touch the finger.

What is the cause of the tumor?

Hands have a special connection between nerves (the body’s signaling system) and blood vessels (which can increase or decrease blood flow by increasing or decreasing their diameter). These special connections are called glomus bodies. These glomus bodies sometimes grow inappropriately, causing a glomus tumor.

How doctor diagnose the problem?

Diagnosis is exclusively based on the patient’s painful complaints. Sometimes an MRI is needed, but usually not.

What is the treatment?

Using operating microscope (25 times magnification) the hand surgeon removes the glomus tumor from the nail bed and repairs them in sequence. The nail grows back to normal with in 3 months. Sometimes, if the glomus tumor is large, some reconstruction of the nail bed may be needed.

What is the result?

Once the tumor is completely removed, the patient does quite well and has no further problems. If the tumor is not completely removed, it can grow back.


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