Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Importance of advertising in marketing

No products or services can make money without advertising. Mass production and mass distribution totally depend on advertising and publicity. Even a small products or services need a good advertisement to reach the heart of the customers. Marketing becomes simple and easy when it is associated with advertising sectors. Advertisement can tell numerous people about a product or service in the quickest time interval at the lowest possible cost. The real purpose of advertising is only one, viz, to sell something a product, a service or merely an idea through effective communication. Most of the advertising attempts to stimulate sales to all sorts of customers.

Only advertising can make aware of the entry of the new product in the market. In a simple sentence, ‘marketing is the backbone of modern national and international marketing’. Many amenities like refrigerators, motorcars, cameras, T.V., V.C.R., vacuum cleaners and other appliances are sold in mass markets at very reasonable prices much lower than the prices at which they are initially introduced in the market. Modern advertising informs, guides, educate as well as protects buyers, so that they can buy intelligently and raise their standard of living.

Advertising alone can create mass markets for products and can obviously fill the customer needs and desires. A good advertisement has ling life. It can attract attention of various people. Most of the advertisements have general and wide appeal. However the advertisement, it serves good to the society. Today advertising becomes more fashion that ever before. Advertisement is really a wonderful means of mass communication for creating market in the society.

The advertisement should be clear, simple, short and attractive to hold attention of the people. It should reflect the contents of advertisement and guide the prospects properly. It may show a promise or reward and induce prompt action. In the marketing program of a business firm, advertising is a reliable tool supplemented by salesmen-ship and sales promotion.


Diet for adults

Obesity is the most common problem in humans. Adults are mainly affected by this type of disorder and remain helplessness. Best results can obtain from an adequate nutrition and good exercises. Adults can be educated about proper nutrition and regular physical activity at school or home. They can also treated by physician for better and safer results of obesity. People should also educate the risk factors diseases and health issue to them for the prevention of obesity.

A simple diet and regular physical activity can help to get rid of overweight. It can also reduce the calories and pounds as early as possible without any side effects. But the diet should be filled with delicate and nutritious food. It can also involve whole cereals fresh fruit and vegetables, non-fat milk, eggs, lean meat and much more. It is inevitable to avoid fatty, fried and junk food. These are the main cause for increasing the pounds. It also remains unhealthy and can lead in to diabetes and blood cholesterols in old ages. Parents should encourage them with fresh fruit juices instead of sodas and caffeine.

Moderate amount of fiber, fat, alcohol, cholesterol should be encouraged always. It can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, constipation, cretinism, scurvy, and anemia and so on. It can increase the bone mass during adolescence and childhood. It is reliable to incorporate spinach and green leafy vegetables in their diet. These can also help to reduce the risks of vitamin deficiencies. Taking of more fresh fruit and vegetable juices can allow the user to feel and look better than before.

Adequate regular physical activity can helps to prevent obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some adult bone mass and loss of muscle tone, premature aging, colon and breast cancer etc., It is most important to engage in physical activity 60 minutes per day. It strengthens both the bones and muscles. Also encourages the rate of metabolism. Free flows of blood circulation all over the body will help to remain feel fresher throughout the day. Simplest exercises can be imposed in adults because it should not harm their body at any cost.

Drinking of plenty water will aid to reduce weight like anything. It has been considered as weight-loss drug. It is free of calories. It serves the body as lubricant and cleanses the kidney. It is the best tool to remove wastages from the human body. One should drink 8-10 cups of water for physical well-being and also stick away from certain diseases. Some of fresh fruit juices will help to promote weight like papaya juice, lemon juice, and carrot juice and so on.

It is unreliable when a person is addicted to alcohol in younger or older ages. If it so, the necessary treatment can take as early as possible. Otherwise, alcohol will encourage liver disease, cardiovascular disease and much more. Finally, consultation with the health-care professionals on a regular basis is important. It is because only a doctor can make effective treatment and controlling the damaging effects of many diseases.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dietary measures to maintain blood pressure

Hypertension (HT) is defined as a systolic blood pressure (SBD) above 140 mm hg, a diastolic blood pressure (DBD) above 90 mm hg or when levels below are maintained by antihypertensive medication. Hypertension can experience cardiovascular disease such as stroke, angina, myocardial infarction, heart failures, retinopathy and renal disease. It is such a serious disorder that should be cured as early as possible when detected. The main cause of hypertension can result from one’s diet.

Hypertension is referred as “silent killer’ because its outward symptoms are so difficult to detect. People who ages are highly experience hypertension in their day-to-day life. This can badly affect the whole life and their loved ones. Person with hypertension should be cared by his/her emotional relationships. It is also best to visit doctor and they can help to improve the diet. As people age their hearts have to work harder pump blood around the heart. It is because that is essential to keep the body balance and healthy one. It is also reliable to check blood pressure regularly.

Preventive measures to avoid hypertension

  • Avoid oiled foods, processed foods, tinned and canned foods.

  • Take less than 6gm of salt each day.

  • Encourage your diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits.

  • Avoid fried and fatty foods.

  • Avoid monosodium glutamate (ajinomoto).

  • Best to give up salty foods like chips, pickles, dried fish, crisps, papads and sated nuts.

  • Maintain weight for height.

  • Avoid adding extra salt at table.

  • Avoid sausages, cheese, yeast extract, salt, smoked meat, biscuits, pizza and soya chauce.

  • Avoid adding salt while cooking rice.

You can also follow regular daily exercise that has an effect in lowering blood pressure. But it is reliable to avoid rigorous exercise. Excessive intake of alcohol should be completely avoided. People with hypertension can also spend their time in the program of meditation and yoga that can help to avoid stress and mental tension.


Hard brushing makes your lose teeth shine

Many of the people think that brushing the teeth longer and harder may give shinning teeth and it is not good as they think. Too much brushing can cause permanent damage to teeth. Every one wants a shinning tooth. For that, only the people are doing hard brushing and nothing. One who has shinning tooth may lose out the enamel resulting from hard brushing. A human tooth is harder than rocks that should be protected well.

Aggressive brushing can cause oral health problems and also abrasion gum. Sometimes you may experience from your teeth because of hard brushing. It is nothing but just you are inviting troubles. If you give too much pressure while brushing can tear away the enamel and make your teeth weak. It is because the excessive use of fluoride, which is present in water and some of the toothpastes. Because of the presence of fluoride, the enamel can become weaker.

Dentists say that the most essential part of tooth care happens at home. You should use the best kind of tooth-brush. Some individuals are not ready to buy safest tooth-brush and always they go beyond with the cheapest cost of tooth-brush and later they have to spend more money to treat their teeth. This is what happens everywhere.

Many of the people think that by using a hard bristle tooth-brush can provide efficient cleaning, but the horizontal hard strokes act like a saw and cut the enamel through years of regular brushing. One should select the best toothpastes and that must provide long hours protection against plaque and decay.

Excessive brushing can lead to lot of harm to teeth. Wearing out of the enamel may result in yellow teeth. And you could not have a broad smile in groups. People should brush their teeth only twice a day but not after every meal. Parents should take care of their children while brushing. It is reliable to use a toothbrush which is designed with medium bristles, neither too hard, nor too soft. One should not brush their teeth more than two minutes. It is reliable to look for a new tooth-brush every three months.


Popular home remedies for wrinkle from your kitchen

Here are some simple home remedies to reduce wrinkles on skin. The remedies may not experience any effects and health issues. It is also better to check with the physician before trying to these natural treatments.

  1. Regular application of pure castor oil can diminish wrinkles.
  2. Avoid excess of smoking and alcohol may give up wrinkles.
  3. To remove wrinkles under eye, you can apply egg whites until it dries to the skin and then rinse with warm water.
  4. Avoid over exposure to sun.
  5. Consume 4-6 liters of water per day which helps to flush out toxins and keep the skin clear.
  6. Eat a balanced diet including whole grain foods, cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and legumes.
  7. Gently message coconut oil on skin to wrinkles every night at bedtime.
  8. A paste of turmeric made with sugarcane juice is fine to deal with wrinkles and slow skin aging.
  9. Application of lemon juice can help to prevent wrinkles. This is one of the good home remedies for wrinkles.
  10. Saturate cabbage leaves in water; use this water to rinse acne as this is a good remedy for acne.
  11. Fresh papaya juice and cucumber juice can be very effective in wrinkle natural treatment.
  12. Regular facial is very essential to control wrinkly.
  13. Wipe the face with wet cotton ball can cut down wrinkles.
  14. For the fast treatment of wrinkles, message with all the fingers of both the hands rapidly with fast circular motion.
  15. Skin message can smooth away your wrinkles.
  16. Eat a spoonful shredded ginger added with some honey every morning can also reduce wrinkles.
  17. You can have a nice sleep for 7-8 hours per day for healthy skin and prevention of wrinkles.
  18. Spinach can reduce the amount of wrinkles.
  19. Tomatoes can promote healthy skin and avoid wrinkles like any thing.
  20. Wash your face every day and always use a moisturizer immediately following by bath or shower.
  21. Stay out the sun between 10am to 4 pm the sun rays are effective and may cause wrinkles.
  22. Beat the white of one egg and apply on your face in an upward direction. Once it dries, wash with cold water. It helps tighten your skin and delays wrinkles.


The four undeniable fruits


Apple is a rich source of minerals and vitamins that can strengthen the blood. It also contains flavonoid and polyphenols and both are powerful antioxidant agents. The fruit can also lower cholesterol and keep away with skin diseases. It can also be very effective in the patients of heart diseases. There is no damage to the saying of ‘An apple a day keeps the doctors away’ at any cost. The apple is a good medicine particularly for drivers, heavy smokers, drug addicts, workers, salaried staffs and housewives.


Guava fruit is full of vitamin C, iron, folic acid, fiber, calcium, phosphrous and potassium. It is true that guava contain more Vitamin C than orange and guava is also cheaper than orange. The tropical fruit is successful in treating asthma, poor circulation, catarrh, obesity, acidosis, scurvy and much like diseases.

Grape fruit

Grape fruit is considered to be liver tonic to the humans. It purifies blood like any other fruits. It is more beneficial to the heart patients. It can also help improve complexion when used regularly. Grapes have been used widely for treating metabolism disorders, tuberculosis, liver, kidney and lung disorders and cardiovascular problems.


Papayas are spherical or pear-shaped fruits that the flesh can be eaten raw. Papayas are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene. Thus it helps to enhance fair complexion. The fruit is also really helpful for the prevention of cancer, inflammation, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and diabetic heart disease.

Unwanted pimples are cured from your delicate skin by rubbing the pulp of raw papaya over the face for only ten minutes. It brings radiantly beautiful to the face and also removes wrinkles.


Monday, April 27, 2009

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease and believed that is mainly caused by the genes of the patients. There are many types of psoriasis. It lists like plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, and erthrodermic psoriasis. The five types of psoriasis have unique signs and symptoms. Among these kinds, plaque psoriasis is the most common one of this disease. This can be appeared as patches of reddish skin covered by silvery white scale on the elbows, knees, scalp, trunk, nail, hands and lower back. The symptoms can also occur at any parts of the body. The complication provides discomfort to the body and affects the normal life.

The guttate psoriasis developed in the body by leaving red spots on the skin. The pustular psoriasis appeared as the white pustules that are surrounded by red skin. The disease of inverse psoriasis is formed by the lesions in skin folds. And the erthrodermic psoriasis is mainly caused by itching, pain, and redness over the skin. This chronic disease can also develop crack, soarness, and bleeding over the skin. If these conditions get severe, the patients can lose out the normal sleep every day and lead him to stick with stress, anxiety, and depression. It is reliable to meet the doctor and treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Study says that most of the adults are more likely to suffer from psoriasis in the United States. It is also equal to men and women. But this disease is severe in some part of countries and rare in other countries. It is quite impossible to hide your skin from people’s attention. So, it must be treated and prevented well because the personality is associated with the right quality of life. It might also get people to meet suicide thoughts. Usually, the patients always try to keep out from the society and lead a lonely life.

Psoriasis is not an infectious disease but it is an inherited one. The main causes of this disease are excessive alcohol use, obesity, over exposure to sunlight, stress, cold climate and poor health. So the patients require an intensive treatment for physical and mental well-being.


Eat a raw fruits for enzyme-rich diet

Raw fruits and vegetables are considered as lively foods in the world. Every fruits and vegetables has it own uses and benefits. They are natural foods and anyone can incorporate in the diet for physical well-being. This is because they contain a whole lot of biologically active components named enzymes, which play a major role in all metabolic activities that turns in the body. Enzymes are essentially for digesting food, releasing energy from the food that you eat, stimulating brain functions, and repairing all tissues, organs and cells. So it is fine to add colorful fruits in your valuable diet.

Wounds take longer time to heal in the body because of absence of enzymes. Those who are severely wound can take large enzyme in the body. Enzymes also help to erase scars, dissolve closes and affect all your bodily processes. Those who are eating raw fruits regularly, they are supposed to be always healthy and wealthy. It gives more energy to the body and gains fiber, proteins mineral, vitamin A, vitamin C and much like to give up healthy mind and body.

Enzymes are highly sensitive to heat and can destroy when it is cooked. It is reliable to concentrate on raw foods. It contains a substantially higher amount of enzyme. The body manufactures enzymes and prepares it for digestion, detoxification, assimilation and elimination of waste. You can also outsource enzymes from foods but it is essential to take raw foods.

Bananas, mangoes and pineapple are highly rich in enzymes. All have a variety of health benefits. Sprouts and most raw fruits are also a rich source of enzymes that can give to young adults and children largely. Fruits which are rich in enzyme can help to digest food better and prevent gas and bloating. Raw fruits are free of calories and fat. It is also used to promote extra pounds and keep fit. You can also drink any fruit juice and vegetable juice everyday to lead a colorful life in a limited proportion.

Fruits are delicious and less expensive. They contain vitamins, minerals and fibers. Fruits are over all healthy diet reduces the risk or stoke and other cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes. They are also 100 percentages bad-cholesterol free.


History of massage

Massage has been introduced to the people right from ancient era. It is also considered as the simple form of medical care. The earliest writing of massage was found in china around 3000 BC. A Chinese book named “The Yellow Emperor’s classic of Internal Medicine” pictures the treatment of common ailments during the second century BC.

In India, massage has been done under Ayurveda with the uses of aromatic oils and spices. It is very fame in India. In the 6th century AD, the Japanese further developed the art of massage to manipulate energy and discourage diseases. Then the massage traveled west ward to the ancient Greece and Rome. Then massage has been passed on the hands of physicians to treat various aliments in the 16th century. Massage techniques has been spread all over the world including Japan, US, and Egypt.

Swedish massage which is more familiar to US was developed by a doctor named Per Henrik Ling. He borrowed the techniques from various countries like china, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Today Swedish massage was developed combining modern principles of physiology with ancient techniques.

The patients who were suffering from nerve damage during World War I were highly treated with massage to soothe pain and stress. In the 5th century B.C.E in Greece, Hippocrates, the father of western medicine write that “a physician must be experienced in many things”. He insisted that massage techniques can travel along with fresh air, good food, baths and music. Thus helps to treat the disease easy.

Today it is widely accepted that massage has something for every one from infants to the elderly people. Children, pregnant women, manual laborers, office workers, school and college pupils – can benefit from massage. Massage is also now used in intensive care units, babies in incubators, and patients with cancer, AIDS, heart attacks, strokes. It has been frequently offered in massage parlors, health centers, drug treatment clinics and hospitals.

In this mechanical world all sorts of people are tilled with tension, stress, anxiety and depression including house wives and servant maids. There is one place to cool down both the body and mind- it is obviously massage parlors. Now many people are largely rely on massage parlors to keep them cool and relax.


How to keep heart healthy

A healthy heart results in a healthy and happy life. Millions of people experience a heart attack all over the world. It may cause because of overweight, excessive smoking and drinking, lack of exercise and high-fat food etc. Besides, a positive behavior in your life can help to keep your heart healthy. It is reliable one to exercise regularly to better flow to the heart and remains lead a happy life. Doctors advised people to reduce their stress and tensions because they may cause heart disease and leave in a state of helplessness. It is general believe that reducing the level of stress might help in prevention of heart attacks. To give up stress and depression, people can encourage yoga, meditation and stress reducing exercise in their life style.

Yet there is no evidence that keeping away of stress can control heart attacks. But it can keep heart in a good shape and condition. So it is best to curb the anger and stress for general well-being. When a person is getting angry or tense, the stress hormones can increase the heart beat, thus results in increase of blood sugar and hence the blood pressure increases and leading in to heart attack. There are many possible ways to control stress management and tension in daily life. The stress-reducing techniques like exercise and yoga are the reliable ways to reduce mental pressure. You can also indulge in things that make you happy.

Heart disease occurs of both men and women and thousands of people are dying like anything. Many of the people accept the heart attacks because they felt that it is fate. There are necessary steps to avoid cardiovascular disease and keeps your life healthier and happier. Smoking and tobacco use may be the leading cause of heart disease. It is because that the use can damage your heart rate and blood pressure. Women who smoke and take birth control pills are at higher risk of developing heart attack. Smoking and excessive alcohol use can increases the risk of heart disease.Regular physical activity can decrease your fatal heart attacks. The exercises can help to strengthen heart and reduce high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. It is best to take part in light exercise at least 30 minutes a day. One should eat healthy and avoid nuisance foods. The diet can include fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, low-fat foods can help prevent your heart attack. Fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids may decrease your risk of heart attack. But anyone should discuss their doctors of food choices before take an every bite to mouth.


Ovarian cancer and it effects

Ovarian cancer is a kind of cancer that affects in the ovaries. Around 90 per cent of ovarian cancers begin on the outer covering of the ovary. This is referred as epithelial ovarian cancer. Ovaries are reproductive glands that found only in women over age 50, but it can also affect younger ones because they may have a family history of ovarian cancer. So women are more likely to suffer from this complication of cancer.

No one knows the exact causes of ovarian cancer. It is also the most common cancer in the women all over the world. Women with ovarian cancer have no signs of symptoms until the cancer has spread extensively. But ovarian cancer is hard to detect early and treat in its early stages. Hundreds of women die of the disease each year.

The early symptoms of ovarian cancer can include abdominal bloating, vomiting, abnormal periods, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss or gain, pelvic pain, gas, nausea, lower abdominal pain, loss of appetite, constipation and fatigue. These symptoms can also be well present in other common illnesses. It is important that the women experience any unusual or persistent symptoms, should contact the health care provider for further tests.

Ovarian cancer is commonly known as ‘the silent killer’ because it frequently causes non-specific symptoms and signs. Thus ends the treatment with poor and delay diagnosis. There are number of different types of treatment are used to treat ovarian cancer. The treatment can include surgery, chemotherapy and sometimes radiotherapy. The treatment depends on the stage and severity of the disease, the type and size of the tumor, age and general health. Then the specialists will decide which treatment is suitable for their patients.

The patients should gather the informations about advantages and disadvantages of the treatment, or any significant risks and side effects of the treatment and how the treatment is likely to affect them for general well-being. It is because some cancer treatments are complex.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anemia diet

Anemia disease is mainly caused by lack of iron and hemoglobin of a person and it is a serious condition. Millions of people are largely affected from this type of disorder. It results in poor functioning of the respiratory system and leave in a state of helplessness. So, it must be treated well with your efficient physicians. Other than treatment, one should concentrate on the diet when he/she is supposed to experience with anemia. The lack of iron can be caused due to unhealthy diet. It can be also inherited from ancestors. The diet can vary form person to another. One’s diet plan will not be the same for other individuals.

Patients who are suffering from anemia should intake iron-rich foods for iron deficiency anemia. The diet can include milk, cheese, fish, egg, meat, beans, honey, soybean, and brown unpolished rice. People should strictly avoid food items like white bread, fried food, sweet, sugar, and so on. The quantity of diet can vary according to age and condition of the patient. A pregnant woman with anemia should concentrate on iron-rich food with medical attention or else the condition may lead to miscarriage or premature baby. The diet should be nutritious and balance for a sense of well-being.

Vegetables and fruits are considered as the best foods to treat anemia sufferers. It includes green leafy vegetables, lentils, grapes, spinach, strawberries, apples, carrots, beets, onion, potato, carrots, cabbages, plums, barberry, and bananas. The patients can also take iron supplements to balance iron-rich diet. Anemia is mostly a problem for children, young women and older people. Usually, they are at risk of iron deficiency, according to study. The foods also high in iron include liver, seafood, apricots, prunes, raisins, whole grains, raisins, iron-fortified breads and cereals, nuts and blackstrap molasses should concentrate by the people of anemia.

The severity of anemia can be treated well by proper and balanced iron-rich diet. One should conscious about taking iron pills. It is because that can cause heart burn, stomach upset and constipation without medical attention. The patients should avoid certain foods like tea, coffee, egg yolks, milk and fiber for the welfare of the health.


Healthy life- mixed diet and balanced diet

Health is a state of well being. It is a general state of a person’s physical, mental and social viability. Good health is freedom from sickness and diseases and more than that freedom from anxiety and from social and psychological tensions. All the environmental conditions are necessary for a healthy life. Unclean personal habits of individuals make it difficult to maintain a healthy environment.

Proper diet, personal and domestic hygiene, clean food and water, fresh air, enough exercise, relaxation and good habits are the basic conditions for leading a good healthy life.

A good diet should have the combination of a variety of foods like milk, leafy vegetables, wheat, rice, fish etc. right and suitable type of food in sufficient quantity is necessary for a healthy body. The essential nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, vitamins and mineral salts.

A balanced diet is that which has all the nutrients in proper proposition. It should contain the nutrients in the right proportion for particular age, sex, nature of work, physical condition etc. for instance, an elderly person’s diet differ from that of a hard labors and so on. Adults required a balance with less fatty food. Growing children need plenty of energy giving and body building food. Persons recover from illness need extra vitamins. Proper diet, hygiene, clean good habits, regular physical activity are necessary conditions for leading a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet is one that has all the nutrients in the right proportion.

Milk is considered a wholesome food. We knew that new born babies have only milk as their food, especially when they are breast-fed; it provides immunity against certain diseases.

Milk is a food item which can be taken by all young or old, healthy or sick and much more. It contains calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, protein, fats and vitamins. In about 100 gm, it has 3.3 gm of proteins and 3.8 gm of fats.

Honey is other simple food item that is easily digestible and suitable for all age groups. It has got medicinal and nutritive value.

Eggs have also high nutritive value. It has got proteins, fat, iron, nitrogen, sulphur and vitamins.

Fresh greens contain many minerals and vitamins.


Importance of newspapers

Newspapers have become an essential part of modern life. The modern man starts his day by reading over the news with a cup of tea. Equally unimaginable is a morning without the daily newspaper for some people. It is because newspapers are seen everywhere in the world. They are printed and published in each and every language known to man all over the world. Newspapers are called ‘the mirrors of the world’. They reflect and report the trends and happening from all parts of the world. Usually, they cover every aspects of life- national, international, local, social, political, cultural etc. They design in a complete picture of our day-to-day life. This is why from the all powerful presidents, prime ministers and CEOs to the unemployed youth and job seekers, all begin their day by reading the dailies.

Newspapers are the guardians of democracy. They keep the general peoples well-informed to the world about the goings on. Well-informed public is essential for the success of a democracy. People have to be made aware of all the important happenings. Newspapers perform the duty of making people aware of everything. They form the public opinion and turn the people for or against the moves of the rulers. This is why even the most fears one dictator is afraid of the press. They picture every aspect including jokes, matrimonial, huddles, scientific facts, and cinemas etc.

Besides, newspapers also add to the knowledge of the readers by informing them about the new discoveries, inventions and products. The magazine selections of newspapers provide a colorful bouquet of information and entertainment.

The advertisement published in the newspapers also serves a great purpose. Matrimonial advertisements help people to find suitable life partners. Newspapers also help people to buy and sell property.

Newspapers help the job seekers to find suitable jobs through the ‘wanted’ columns. Advertisements help a great deal boosting up sales of the consume products and others. Newspaper also helps people in investing the money wisely in the stock-market. Catering to every taste and every need, newspapers present the whole world. Totally they play a vital role in life and part of human beings.


Powerful tips for living the Healthy life

One should eat healthy at any stages of life. It is mandatory to not only limit the types of food people eat but the amount they eat as well. Obesity is a real problem. Diabetes, heart diseases, and spine problems are just a few secondary effects of obesity. It has a medicinal proof that a person smile and laugh a lot, only he is one of the healthiest persons. Your health habits today can affect your health in the future.

It is also reliable to exercise regularly and tries to one to two hours a day. Everyone should enjoy it and must not harm the body by harsh equipments. It can help improve cardiovascular fitness, boost the immune system and also serves as a great stress reduces and mood enhances. It also strengthens bones and muscles.

Establish healthy habits early in life. Regular exercise and eat a balanced diet can obviously bring up healthy body without any unwanted side effects. It is wrong to use alcohol, drug, caffeine, and cigarette smoking can lead to poor healing after surgery, a higher chance of infection or wound break down and higher risk of medical complications. Cigarette smoking also increases risk of heart attack, stroke, aneurysm development, deep-vein thrombosis and cancer. Non-smokers are at a tremendous health advantage. Wrong use of alcohol can worsen the health.

Fatty foods, junk foods, and fried foods can avoid fro general well-being. A proper diet can involve fresh fruits and vegetables, whole cereals, lean meat, non-fat milk, oats, spinach, green leafy vegetables, egg, fish are the healthy items that must incorporate in every one’s diet. It can all control blood pressure early because as you age, your vascular health can worsen. Controlling hypertension helps slow the aging of the blood vessels.

Depression, anxiety, stress and other psychological condition can contribute to poor quality of life. Regular simple exercise and healthy diet can help to combat these issues. People can also go with yoga, meditation etc for physical and mental healthy life. Massage therapy are also used to encourage better part of happy life. Conscious eating is the most important way to wellness.

It is also essential to get blood pressure and cholesterol checked regularly particular at one’s old ages and make healthy living a part of life. They

are treatable risk factors for cardiovascular disease which causes heart attacks, strokes and other deadly conditions. Now-a-days, the tests are quick and simple and medical treatments are effective all around the world.

People can also find passion for the little things in life like love for the theater or gardening or art of reading that can keep the mind active and can give you gay, better health and a sense of purpose in life.



There are two main branches of gymnastics- artistic and rhythmic. In artistic gymnastics, the gymnasts perform on fixed apparatus, such as bars and beams. In rhythmic gymnastics, that performs routines with apparatus such as hoops and balls. Other gymnastic sports include sports aerobatics and trampolining. In major artistic gymnastic competitions, the apparatus is set out on a large platform, or podium and several events take place together.

Trampolining is a fantastic exercise routring for practicing moves such as twists and somersaults, and it is also sport in itself. It is quite difficult to perform but very interest to watch. Sports aerobics comprises tumbling, pairs, and group events. Tumbling is like the floor exercise, but performed on a straight, sprung track. The routines in pass (men, women or mixed), the trio (women) and fours (men) are like those of circus acrobats. This type of gymnastics can be amiable by all.

Rhythmic gymnastics can perform only by women and girls, rhythmic gymnastics consists of five individual exercises with the help of ribbon, clubs, ball, hoop and rope. There are also done by groups as team, usually with two different pieces of apparatus.

Gymnastics is completely different exercises to men and women. They cannot perform other sex’s portion. There are six events in men’s competitions. They are the floor, pommel horse, vault, rings, parallel bars, and high bar. Boys and men usually wear a singlet with shorts or white trousers. Men’s gymnastics is known for strength as well as balance and dynamic movement.

There are four women’s events-the floor, beam, asymmetric (uneven) bars and vault. In performance, there is also an overall championship. Women and girls usually wear one-pie leotards with shot or long sleeves. Women’s exercise known for balance and agility, and floor exercise include elements of dance. The clothes must be very comfortable to perform gymnastics without any huddles.

Physical fitness is very close to the program of gymnastics. This type of program restricts the excess food thoroughly. Too much of fat is reduced by this session. This can keep the body fit and healthy. It also reduces some type of diseases. The body is supple and flexible to the most by both men and women. Gymnastics can be performed at stage to amuse the people and great delight fro their eyes.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Treatment for depression

Depression is one of the most common emotional and mental disorders. It is very unpleasant and difficult to cope up this type of illness. Everyone experience depression each day and they try to get rid of it. One should concentrate on natural substances than processed elements. It helps to save valuable money and time from health cares. Here are some symptoms and home remedies for depressed ones. You can also try well for tension-free life.

Depression symptoms

· Loss of energy

· Lack of sleep

· Fatigue

· Itching

· Nausea

· Constipation

· Giddiness

· Death of a friend or relative

· Aches and paints all over the body.

· Anxiety and tension

· Alcohol drug abuse

· Loss of appetite

· Impotence or frigidity

Home remedies for depression

1. Apple is used to treat with the persons of mental depression. The presence of vitamin B, phosphorus, and potassium, can help to control tear and wear of nerve cells in this fruit. It can be taken along with milk and honey for more effective.

2. Cashewnut apple, is well known remedy for depression. It is highly rich in vitamin B and thiamine that aids to stimulate appetite and the nervous system. It can really keep the body active and cheerful.

3. It is best to limit the intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, soft drinks, sugar, chemical substances, and strong condiments.

4. Flu up your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Encourage light foods that helps to digest easily and avoid foods like not, oily and spicy.

5. Regular exercise plays an important role in reducing depression. It makes both mind and body strong and healthy.

6. A person who is suffering from depression should stay away from excess intake of caffeine, beverages pastries and candy.

7. You can boil 20-30 rose petals in water for 15 minutes and allow cooling it. Take this one 2-3 times each day. This is natural and simple home remedy in reducing depression.

8. Ashwagantha is also used in relieving depression. It aids to erase negative thoughts from mind.

9. Cardamom is very effective one in reducing stress and depression. You can prepare a tea by using cardamom which can soothe the nerves.

10. Yoga is also very effective depression treatment. It regulates the body and calms the mind like anything.

11. It is best to avoid meat and milk products during depression.

12. The root of asparagus can be grinded fine and patient may take 1-2 times each day in the depression treatment.

13. Relaxation and meridian are the best ways in curing depression. These can help to combat all the problems as a result of depression.

14. One should always support themselves with 10crs of loved one to give up depressive mood.

15. Prayer can also help in relieving depression. It plays an important role and very effective too.


Binge drinking and college students

Binge drinking is very common among college students. They are drinking alcohol more heavily and frequently. They use on college campus today with an excess amount. Many college students think that it would be a “rite of passage” in to adulthood. In certain palaces in the world, there are bars near college campus. Thus, it helps to promote heavy drinking and cause illness than nothing. Alcohol advertising can help to promote underage drinking

Some of the alcohol producers refused the students to consume alcohol for better income. They are mainly focus on money and spoil the pupil’s academic career. Once the person is addict to alcohol, it is quite hard to control it. Also he should give up his whole life. In such cases, alcoholic patients can treat heavily under doctor care. It is pain that some of the high school students are highly affected with this issue. Over consuming of alcohol will definitely lead in to death and leave in a sense of helplessness. Binge eating disorder is seen in both men and women. Alcohol use often begins in young adulthood and travel in to later years.

Now, 50% of college students practice binge drinking. It can result in attempt suicide, accidents, injuries, academic failure and nothing. Sometimes, the consumption of alcohol can be treated as a poison in the body. Thus it leaves in semi consciousness and unconsciousness. The skin would turn in to cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin. These are the signs and symptoms of alcoholic poison. Parents should also take care of the alcoholic addicts. It is essential to treat them if they are blindly addicted to alcoholism and help them to lead in a right path of life. Some of the women are also take part in consumption of alcohol. This would totally affect their family life. Alcohol encourages fat deposition, especially in the abdominal region. Some people even have food-related allergic and asthmatic reactions to alcohol.

Binge drinking has a variety of contradiction. It can lead in to unplanned sexual activity, damaged property, injuries and death. Alcohol will slow down the body systems. And also many problems associated with binge drinking can affect all aspects of life. Alcohol users can spoil their education and leave in the state of helplessness. Some of the colleges have been allowed alcohol to be used in college campus. This should be banned by the government for right life of the students.

It is a life long problem and always associated with the health complications. Some college students are involved with the police or campus security as a result of their drinking such as public drunkenness or driving under the influence. The consequences of excessive and underage drinking affect virtually all college campus, college communities and college students. Other college students can also spoil their life. So, the alcohol should be restricted in college campus. Being, college is the basic platform for planning the future. Alcoholic addiction is also seen frequency among homeless individuals.


Physical activity and women

Regular physical activity can help to improve women’s health for general well-being. It also eliminates many of the diseases and worries. It is because that several diseases are mainly caused by the lack of adequate exercises. The benefits of physical activity for women are endless. The simple and light exercises are there to keep them remain and fit. It can also help to reduce the level of stress, anxiety and depression. The exercises generally tone the body and calm the mind. The approach can also aid to build-up self-esteem and confidence which are the essential sources for women in the society.

Most of the women do not find enough time in engaging physical activity because of their heavy work in home and office. So they are physically exhausted and show no signs interest in physical exercises. But the women should be encouraged to develop their participation in physical activity. Women of urban areas should be educated on physical activities and may lead a better life. But the physical activities should not be strenuous to see health benefits. Women of all ages can do light exercises, at least 30 minutes each day. Women with heart disease, diabetes, obesity can consult with doctors before making a decision to start with physical activity. Other than that, it helps to maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.

The exercises should be safe and accessible with a comfortable environment. Physical activities can include swimming, walking, bicycling, skipping, jogging and so on. Women who do not engage in the adequate amount of physical activity can experience or develop certain diseases. The practice of certain exercises can help to lose weight, control joint swelling, reduces anxiety and depression and blood pressure for some women with hypertension. Women who ages above 50 can also visit a physician before making an approach to any type of exercises even if they do not have heart diseases and other health hazards. However, women have shown a lack of interest in physical activities than men.

Adequate physical activity may help to prevent breast cancer in some women. Most of the women see the benefits of exercises than others. Women who start an exercise program withdraw it with in a few months before realizing the health benefits. If it practiced regularly, it can help to improve the quality of life and they are in a right place without nay serious health issues.


Essentials of good advertisement

Advertising is a form of mass communication. It is generally paid by a sponsor (seller) who wants to communicate about his product or service to his customers. Advertising appears in the recognized media, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cinema film, outdoor hoardings and posters. It is very useful to create maximum interest and provide adequate knowledge of the new product when the innovation is being introduced in the market. It is very helpful to the people all over the world. It is because they are able to gather information on any new products only from advertising.

It is essentially one-way means of communication. It can help to introduce a new product quickly. Repetition of advertisements can take in to the heart of people more effectively. The real purpose of advertising is only one to sell something a product, a service, or merely an idea through effective communication. But the advertisement should be very attractive and effective to touch customer’s heart.

A good advertisement should convince the society without any queries. It must have the right message and communicate through a right media. It also must reach the tight people and prospects and at the right time and at the right cost. Good slogan can help convince the basic worth of the product or service. But it should be fundamental sales argument for product or service, which is usually expressed in few words. It should be original and remarkable. A good advertisement should contain the brand name and name of the company. The mind-blowing slogans are the secret of success for many companies.

Each advertisement must be a unique selling proposition, invoking maximum force of persuasion to convert prospect in to a customers. Repetitive advertisement can build up strong and enduring impression on the customers and help to create favorable brand image of the product. Public must be induced cleverly to look, like, learn and buy the advertised products. One should not always go beyond with advertised products without any execution.


Massage for stroke patients

Stroke is said to be sudden loss of brain function in human body. It is badly affect the whole life. People with stroke can treat well by massage therapy. It is used to heal the body and improve blood circulation. Stroke is more common to men, Women and adults at any stages. However, women are more likely die of a stroke. It can affect the person physically, emotionally and mentally. Being, it has been treated well with proper medications, massage therapy can also highly recommend.

The persons with stroke who receive a massage can experience a right quality of life, improvement in general health and mainly reduce the pain and depression of diseases. People can engage in to massage session for 10 minutes each evening, before bedtime for seven days. This can reduce the anxiety, pain, blood pressure, and heart rate of elderly stroke patients according to a recent study.

Stroke is a serious disease to the patient that must be treated as early as possible to improve his chances of survival and recovery. Stroke should not be taken lightly and is a medical emergency. It is difficult to deal with the numerous effects of a stroke. Sometimes it can meet death. Proper medications or massage therapy can be imposed on the stroke body.

A few minutes of a massage can do a lot of good to the patients with stroke. It aids to recover from paralysis and pain. A registered massage therapist can bring back circulation to areas that are lack of blood flow in the brain. It also helps in pain control.

Massage therapy can help improve the right quality of life and lead a healthy life of someone who has suffered severe from strokes. Mostly these people are relying upon massage therapists for better support of disease. It is always best to check with the doctor before having any kind of massage therapy and make an appointment to massage parlors. Some of the doctors may highly recommend massage uses to the patients of strokes to control over the pain and depression.

Strokes are one of the main causes of adult disability and the leading cause of death next to cancer and heart diseases. It risks the loved ones and affects the family members severely. There are different types of strokes that can be treated according to the severity of the disease. Besides medical therapy and massage therapy are the best ones to this disorder of stroke safe and secure.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nutrition and fitness

Regular physical activity is a vital part a healthy lifestyle, ideally constituting a total of at least 30 minutes on most days of the week, while also including some resistance activities. Physically active people show lower risks of cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart disease and stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity and other common chronic diseases. Also a better nutrition can provide a healthy lifestyle and stick with disease-free life. Every people have a desire to remain fitness in the body and want to look gorgeous and healthy. In such cases, nutrition and regular exercise are the best support to attain the goal.

Nutrition plays a min role in sports personalities. They ought to have healthy body to support their academic life. If they are lack of nutrients, it is hard to shine in their industries. People must be physically fit to enter in the sport academies. Proper nutrition can obviously aid to succeed in their any sorts of sports. Regular physical activity can also encourage heart function, less injury, better sleep habits, and improvement in body composition. It can also reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, blood glucose regulation and over all immune function. It also aid to control weight and being healthy.

It is best to incorporate fresh fruit and vegetables to remain fitness. During involving in physical activity, it strengthens bones and muscles. It also benefits every parts of the body. The muscles will be tighten and looks pretty. It will also encourage the rate of metabolism. One should focus on the long-term benefits to attain good health. Soft drinks are typical sources of alternative sweetness for many of us. Moderate use of these products poses no health risks for most people. Regular intake of fruits and vegetables has been linked to a decreased risk of both hypertension and stroke.

It is inevitable to achieve an adequate water intake, either through drinking water or by adding water-rich foods to the diet. Drinking of more water can provide more energy and feel fresher always. It aids to balance the body throughout the day. The calories are free in this weight-loss drug. The main role of water is to remove wastages from the body and allow leading a healthy life style. Parents should encourage proper nutrition best in childhoods. Mostly, the children may refuse to eat some fruits and vegetables and always they go beyond with delicious foods. It can encourage obesity and further complications in health benefits. They can educate on nutrition at school or home by personal cares.

It is essential to see health care professional men and women at any stages. He can guide the right path and stick with sensible diet. Adequate vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and like should be consumed by every sorts of people. It is also reliable to maintain food diary which helps to strict the foods. Fatty and fried foods must be avoided at any cost foe well-being.

Physical fitness benefits the entire body. People are also active simply because they enjoy it, whether they are swimming, playing basketball, walking briskly, or engaging in any innumerable other activities. Some of the people are not showing interest to engage in regular physical activity because of laziness. Sometimes, laziness encourages obesity. Regular physical activities only help overweight people but also maintain the physical fitness allover the body. One who engages it, benefit it.


Successful diet tips

Millions of people are mainly focus on diet to overcome obesity. Obesity is a chronic disease that can develop many diseases. Intake of caffeine, sugar, alcohol, drugs, saturated fat, and salt are linked to many leading causes of death including obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer and liver disease. Probably, these types of heavy diseases will be prohibited by healthy diet- a diet that will minimize the risks of developing nutrition-related diseases and meet successful life.

1. A dieter can try to devise a plan of action by seeking advice from a dietician or other health professionals or by consulting current diet books. The instructions are from the experts are really sound good.

2. A sound weight-loss program should involve three features: control of energy intake; increase physical activity; and life long change in food habits.

3. You can take frequent small meals in a limited proportion to give up more pounds. It is best to avoid oily, fried, junk and acidic foods.

4. The plan should allow adaptations to individual habits and tastes. The same plan will not work for anyone. It is not preferable to follow the others diet chart.

5. One best way for a dieter to monitor energy intake at the start of a weight-loss program is reading labels. Label reading is important to know the ingredients of fat, sugar, salt and alcohol. It helps to choose foods with less energy. These are the substances should be avoided while shopping.

6. Walking is one of the easiest exercises to lose weight. It is mandatory to walk 45 minutes per day. It will provide more energy to the body. It won’t allow more fat to be stored in the body.

7. Only the very motivated person should try to lose weight, and ideally this attempt should be preceded by a period of weight maintenance for about 6 months in order to begin the process of balancing energy intake with a degree of energy output that can be maintained. You can lose weight with a supportive friend or in a supportive group.

8. The diet plan should contain common foods. There is no magical food than can speed weight loss. The process of weight-loss program can travel slowly to attain a long-term of weight loss.

9. It is best to avoid setting unreasonable goals to lose weight. It is obviously fragile of effort, time and money.

10. It is mandatory to eat meals and snacks at scheduled time. It is the bad thing to starve to promote weight. Starvation cannot help you to promote weight but gain some unwanted health issues.


Cleaner Industrial Production: why?

Industry continues to pose a potential threat to the environment, both globally and locally. It accounts for approximately one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and a large percentage of the hazardous waste generated.

For the past two decades, industry in most developed countries has relied on end-of-pipe pollution abatement as the main pollution control technique. Although end-of-pipe treatment is effective, it has proved to be expensive. Nowadays the more aggressive countries are calling for cleaner industrial production, a preventive approach that attempts to minimal waste. This holistic approach demand that the industrial pollutants be treated not at the end-of-pipe stage, but rather that they be prevented together, throughout the production process. Cleaner production techniques range from inside-the-factory changes in management, to shop-floor operations and processes, equipment and sometimes alterations in the products themselves. Cleaner production means adapting industrial processes to use raw materials and to generally reduce emissions and wastes.

Enterprises everywhere are reaping environmental financial benefits from cleaner industrial production.


Theatre in the West End of London

London’s west End has been the home of famous theatres from the time of William Shakespeare, arguably the father of English theatre. Shakespeare was involved with founding The Theatre in 1576, but is more famous for The Globe, which was built in 1597, and was the scene of many of his plays.

These early theatres were not designed to be comfortable, and patrons braved the fickle English weather in unroofed, circular theatres, the cheapest places going to the groundlings who watched from standing room in the pit of the theatre. The plays were superb entertainment, witnessed by their continued success today, and dealt with contemporary themes which are still relevant more than four hundred years after The Theatre was built.

The actors were all men, the women’s parts being taken by boys. This tradition continued, and for many years acting was considered to be an unsuitable profession for a woman. One of the principal forces to change this was Mrs Sarah Siddons (1755-1831), who brought respectability to the stage. By Mrs Siddons’ time the design of the theatre had been changed and the auditorium was horseshoe-shaped, the stage flanked by richly decorated tiered boxes. Opulent design is still to be seen in some of the London theaters of today. Thick velvet curtains, ornate stonework and gilt decoration endure in some of the older theaters like The Dury Lane Theater Royal, which opened in 1812, the fourth theater of the name to occupy the same site. For sheer sumptuousness, however, it is hard to surpass the interior of the Theater Royal in Haymarket, which is designed in the style of Louis XIV of France, with heavily carved embellishments and a great deal of gift.


To live in a hot or cold climate

People sometimes debate whether it is better to live in a hot climate or a cold climate. Those who prefer a hot climate will point out that warm weather leads to a more relaxed lifestyle, while those who like colder whether will say that the colder weather will say that the cold is bracing and helps people to be active and productive. They will argue, moreover, that people have learned to be very ingenious because of the cold.

This will not please the heat lovers, who may counter that a warm climate is not only pleasant but is far kinder to the poor. Warmth means people can survive more easily because they do not need to worry about worrying warm. This may indeed be true, the cool climate people will respond, but many diseases, such as malaria, flourish in warm climates.

The argument will probably never end because different people like to live in different climates.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Uses of hot stone massage

In this day and age where long work hours have begun to take the life on us in the forms of aches, pains, depression, anxiety, stress, forms of relaxation have only become popular. So we are seeking places to relax the mind. Some may move to cinemas, park and beach usually, today people are moving to massage centers to cool down both mind and body. It is quite effective too. Mostly they prefer hot stone massage that help in relaxing muscles and calming the nervous system.

Lava stocks or stones made of basalt used for relaxation therapies. River rocks that are rich in iron can also be used. The stones can be of anything from half to the inches. These stones have a gravitational energy to them. This makes more people grounded. These stones are heated up to the moderate temperature foe general well-being.

The regular procedure is to get a massage with aromatic oil. Following the massage with oil, the stones that are heated up in water are glided along gently over the body in rhythmic movements. They are then placed at different pressure of stones can be vary according to the treatment.

The combination of deep heat and pressure massages body tissues and cause a feeling of deep relaxation and absorbs pain. The duration that the stones are left on the body depends on the heat that the patient generates. This increases the blood circulation and relaxation of the muscles and also aids mental relaxation. The warmth of the hot stone encourages circulation and calms down the nervous system. People who are suffering from back pain, muscle aches, osteoarthritis, stress, anxiety and depression can highly benefit from hot stone massage.

The high benefits of hot stone massage are numerous. The heat from the stone relaxes muscles and improves the blood to the area being worked on. This further accelerates healing process. The cost of this relaxation therapy can range from 1500 to 5500. But it is more effective than any of the massage therapies that the patients have tried. They are so relaxed and tempted them to move to massage parlors often.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

High heels: foot related problems

Wearing high heels is a fashionable one over the past decade. But it has side effects and can create foot and ankle problems. Besides, most of the people are well aware of the side effects of that, but still using for fashionable and sexy. Thus the several cases of high heel injuries are being admitted to the hospital for hefty bill. It is unhealthy to flaunt high heels. However, most women aren’t willing to give up their high heels.

Study says that wearing heels for longer term can cause permanent damage to your feet. A killer heel related to back problems too. Also cramming your toes in to bunions, and spiky heels leave you with sprained ankles. So, it is essential to stop wearing heels all through the day leads to back, calf and foot pain. Wearing high heels can also contribute to corns, calluses, broken ankles, blisters, knee osteoarthritis, hammer toes and claw toes.

Heels can make women look sexier, thinner and also great looking legs and although this may be true, there is nothing sexy and fashionable about the prolonged periods damage that can arise. High heels may look gorgeous but it is highly recommended that they are kept only for special occasions and not worn every day for physical and mental well- being.

Orthopedic surgeon says that there is a surgery for heels-related heels. The treatment includes toe straightening, corn treatment, bunion removal, big toe joint replacement and surgery on trapped nerves. Most of the women seek surgery to shorten their toes, narrow their feet, and have silicon injected in to the pads of their feet so they can wear high heels again. The treatment can vary from person to person according to the severities of the infection.

Wearing of high heels can also have some impact on your mental health. It can constrict blood vessels and nerve supply connected to the brain and repairs bodily functions. So it is essential to take treatment for heavy use of high-pointed heels.


Fruits can make you obese

Some of the people only know that fruits can develop obesity. It is because of that fructose, the natural sugar found in fresh fruits is a main cause for obesity. Many of the fruits are rich in sugar content and snacking on them every day can gain weight to the consumers, you can feel more pounds especially in the abdominal area resulting in a big pot belly.

It is not essential to stop eating fruits. It serves good to the consumers. But the recommend serving is 1-3 pieces per day. Fruits like apples, oranges, pears and others are not fattening but have heaps of natural sugar content, which like all things – is good in small amounts. The problem arises if you eat 20 pieces of fruit each day. Other items to be slowed down on are juices and jams which are also high in fructose content. One should also look after this issue and have a limited proportion for general well-being.

Most people think they are safe by having fresh fruit juices instead of soft drinks but still adding more fat. It is because artificial sugar is being added to fruits to make juices which are already sweet in nature, it is nothing but people are inviting troubles. It is bad to know that fruit juices contain more carbohydrates and energy than sweeten drinks. In about 100 ml of fruit juices it contains 11.5 g of carbohydrates, while a sweetened cool drink has only 10.3g per 100 ml. Fruit juices also contain vitamin and fibers, but energy and carbohydrates are practically identical.

When one adds table sugar to fruits in salads or juices that increases the level of sugars and cause fattening problems. Eating the skin of the some fruits which has important nutrients can help negate sugar content. Even though fruits are caused by obesity, one can breathe easy knowing that fructose (fruit sugar) is less harmful than sucrose (table sugar). It is because by eating sucrose your body goes out of sync with the sugar processed in the body extremely fast. Fructose is broken down more slowly which allows the body more time to react.


Health and fitness

If a machine is treated with care and given proper maintenance, it is more likely to function efficiently. Similarly, human body is most likely to function to the best of its ability of it is kept fit and healthy. Health may be defined as the state of being well in body and mind. Fitness is an indication of how efficiently the body’s muscles, heart and lungs are working. If people are fit, they can deal with the requirements put upon their bodies by everyday activities, such as walking, swimming, cycling, stair climbing and lifting such as sprinting for a bus. Mental health-the mind’s fitness- is also important for well-being.

The human body requires exercise to fitness. Exercise makes the heart and lungs work more efficiently, and strengthen muscles and bones. This helps keep the body flexible. Gentle stretching is a good way to start an exercise programme.

When someone is in good health it means their body is working to its full potential and is not impeded by physical or mental diseases. People’s health may suffer as they become older, if they eat a poor diet, if they are poor, if they are exposed to pollution, or work in a harmful environment.

Many people in developed countries are overweight, take little exercise and eat too much fatty food. This makes them unfit and stay unhealthy. Following a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and not too much fat, combined with regular exercise, aid better health.

A healthy diet consists of the right amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The energy it provides should keep the body at its ideal weight.

Regular relaxation reduces stress and tension, increases a sense of well-being, and decreases the risk of disease. There are many ways to relax, including massage yoga and meditation.

Mental health is the fitness of the mind. Problems may be caused by heredity or emotional problems caused by relationships or lifestyle. Keeping fit, discussing problems, and seeking professional help all can improve a person’s mental health. Some people are affected by mental illness that has been caused by brain disorder. In such case, people with mental illness must be treated by registered psychiatrists.

A doctor carries out a check-up, or physical examination, to make sure that a person is healthy, and to look out for anything that may be wrong. During a check-up, the doctor will ask the patient how he or she feels, look at and feel the patient’s body, use a stethoscope to listen to breathing and the heart, and measure blood pressure. So, it is essential to check the body in everyone’s life. Thus aids to improve diseases and stick with healthy lifestyle.


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