Thursday, January 29, 2009

Treatment of leukemia cancer

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects both children and adults. All types of cancer begin in cells, which make up blood and other issues. Likewise, leukemia is cancer that begins in blood cells and affects the bone marrow which is the soft material in the centre of most bones. It can spreads to other part of the body. People who are exposed to very high levels of radiations are more likely to develop leukemia cancer than other individuals. And also exposure to very high levels of benzene, which is widely user in the chemical industries, can cause leukemia. Workers exposed to formaldehyde may be also at high risk of leukemia. But it is not a contagious disease.

The specific symptoms of this serious cancer includes fever, infection, excessive, breathing, fatigue, weight loss, abnormal bleeding, abdominal pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen on livers. One who experiences any of these signs can take effective treatment to lead a happy life with loved ones.

No one knows the exact cause of developing leukemia but it can be treatable by registered physician. The main types of leukemia are chronic or acute. A person can visit doctor as early as possible, only they start treating it right way because it tends to worsen quickly. They can giver further treatment to help prevent a leukemia cancer. The treatment can be varying from person to person. Many people want to learn about this disease and their treatment choices. Hematologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologist are the specialists to treat this kind of cancer. Pediatric oncologists and hematologists treat childhood leukemia.

The most common treatment choices for leukemia are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, stem cell transplantation and bone marrow transplantation. These are all the effective treatments that can show seculars results. Doctor and feel better. Chronic leukemia patients who do not experience symptoms of leukemia may not require immediate treatment.

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs kills leukemia cells. The drugs depends on the type of leukemia cancer, the patient may receive a drug or two or more drugs. The drugs may be imposed by mouth, by injection directly in to a vein, through catheter, or by injection in to the spine of the patients of leukemia cancer. It does not harm normal cells. So it is very safe and effective treatment. It is the major form of treatment for leukemia.

Radiation therapy is used to tract with special machine that emirs high-energy rays to damage cancer cells and stop them from growing. The rays may be focused on certain areas of leukemia cells are occurring, or you may receive radiation directed at your whole body.

Bone marrow transplantation helps to replace leukemia bone marrow with leukemia-free marrow. This treatment involves the high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This aids to destroy leukemia-producing bone marrow. Then this is replaced by bone marrow from a compatible donor.

People can choose right treatment choices and not matter what kind of cancer therapy, they choose, they will all need medication to control pain and side effects.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Treatment for depression

Depression is very common. It is well related to both physical and mental health issues. There is no single cause for depression. Many of them like genetics, environment, life events, medical conditions, emotional and professional problems and the way people react to situations that occur in their lifestyle. The symptoms of depression include depressed mood or sadness most of the time without any particular reason, irritability, anger, anxiety, and inability to lone center ate on family & job, weight loss on gain, unable to sleep well, keep distance from friends and family. Thoughts of death or suicide and much like. It affects the whole life and leave in the sense of helplessness. If anyone experience any one of these symptoms, it is essential to visit a doctor as early as possible to have a better quality of life.

Depression is one of the most common emotional problems around the world. Depression can be mild or severe but must be treated for well-being. The depressed person may also experience headaches, loss of appetite, stomach upset and lack of sleep. Sometime, it can affect the brain. It is extremely hard to live with depression mood often. Sadness is usual to human but depression is more than ordinary sadness. Most of the children are adolescents are getting depressed like anything today.
Depression is treatable under effective physician. It will not lead the person weak or crazy but it is a real illness which is caused by chemical imbalance in the brain. There are wide varieties of treatments to give up depressive mood. The specific treatments include talk therapy, medication or a combination of both. When the depression are diagnosed and treated by a doctor, it will certainly disappear.

There are several types of depression among the people. So doctor who treat depression can carefully monitor the patients and help them to combat depression in their life. Talk therapy with a mental health profession is very safe and effective patients and doctors aid them to relieve from this real illness. They also encourage people by involving in to yoga, exercise, dance, music and so on. These approaches can obviously keeps distance from depression.
Medications can be varying from person to person under the treatments of depression. But the physician should provide the right dose to the patients. Because every person’s brain is different, what works well for one person might not work for other individual’s emotional care can also help to get relief from sadness of life when depression is severe.

Psychotherapy is also one of the main types of depression a treatment is often called “talk therapy”. Soft words can win hard hearts. This saying is very suitable to the treatment of psychotherapy. Many of the patients are getting recovered under these specific treatments.


Rosacea and its treatments

Rosacea is common disease that mainly affects the facial skin and the eyes too. It is a chronic disease that develops redness and swelling on the face. Other areas include scalp, chest, neck, ears and back. Rosacea can afflict children and people of any skin type. Mostly it occurs after the age of 30 as redness on the checks, nose, and chin or for cheat that may come and go. If this case is not treated, then the affecters can develop bumps and pimples. It allows the facial skin to be rough and dry. Burning or stinging sensations may also occur. Women are more likely to get rosacea on the checks and chin, but tend to be more severe in men.

The treatment of this skin disorders depends on the signs and symptoms. The symptoms can vary from person to person. This disease is more common in women, people with fair skin, and adults between the ages of 30 and 60. The specific symptoms of this treatable disease include inflamed eyes /eyelids. A swollen nose, thicken skin on forehead, chin, checks, flushing of the face and men more. The main cause of this skin disease including drinking alcohol, very cold temperatures, heavy exercise, exposure no sunlight, menopause, emotional stress, often use of steroids on the face. There is no cure for Rosacea, but it can be treated and controlled.

A dermatologist can often help to treat Rosacea. There are several ways to treat this type of disorder. In this treatment, he is supposed to concentrate on both skin and eyes for right quality of life. It is because people with Rosacea feel bad because of the way their skin looks. One should concentrate on the facial products to be imposed on the face. Irritating products should be well avoided. Then the skin may look better. Cosmetics may be used to conceal the effects of Rosacea.

Doctor can recommend medicine depends upon the appearance of skin. It is generally harder to treat redness of the skin. Medicines like antibiotic treatment can apply on the skin or taken as pills to treat Rosacea. Oral antibiotic may also recommend by registered physician with an antibiotic gel or cream named metro diazole that can apply on skin.

The treatment can last about 2-3 months to look better of the skin. When the skin get improves, the patient can cut down the treatment of oral antibiotic. Treatments will the gel can continue. The duration of this specific treatment can be vary from one individual to another depends upon the skin. It is entirely different to everyone. Laser surgery of effective electric need can remove enlarged bloods vessels on the face sometimes. It is also best to use a reliable sunscreen product to correct Rosacea.


Carrot juice for complexion

Complexion is the common problem of both men and women particularly at young ages. There are no magic bullets to light down the complexion suddenly. Carrot juice can be used to improve complexion larger because it is filled with beta carotene. Carrot is highly rice in vitamins. It is well known for it antioxidant properties and its role in preventing certain diseases. One of the best ways to moisturize the skin is fine from the inside that can be absolutely from carrot juice. It is unreliable to store and use.

There is such a difference in aging from one individual to another. Some of it has to do with genetics, stress, over exposure to sun, vitamins deficiency and much more. These are all the reasons to Darleen the skin. One can also drink plenty of water to get good complexion without any side effects. It also helps to tone the body and release the toxins like anything. It is best to consume carrot juice early in the morning before carrot for blending otherwise it will be harmful.

When carrot juice is added with honey, it is best to promote weight. Everyone wants to have gorgeous complexion and working hard for that. Fruit juices are the best ones to improve complexion without any side effects. Lemon juice is also taking part in fair skin. But both lemon juice and carrot juice should consume regularly with a limited amount for mind-blowing fairness of skin.

Usually, the teenagers go beyond with supplements and pills for fair complexion. It is obviously waste of money and time. Only the better processed foods serve the better complexion without any complications and Sid effects. They will not help out with fair complexion but engage in some health issues. Carrot juice is also good for eyes and hair. Tomato juice can also improve the skin complexion law carrot may also help to bring lighter complexion and it gives strong teeth.

Carrot juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin. That can be used everyday. It is rich is minerals, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur and iron. Vitamin a is essential in keeping healthy body. Carrot serves best to the consumer’s body.

A person should wash out fresh carrots thoroughly in cold water, before preparing carrots for juicing. It is best to scrape lightly, but do not peel, as valuable vitamins and minerals lie close to the surface. The juice should be taken immediately it is made, if possible. Otherwise, it can be refrigerated in the glass jars which should then be tightly coverage to prevent loss of vitamins and minerals.

People who wish to take carrot juice complexion can check with the doctor before practicing to consume it. It cannot treat well to some types of skin. however carrot juice is said to be 'miracle juice'.


What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a contagious disease that occurs in the human body due to the inflammation of bacteria, virus, or fungus in the lungs. It can also occurred by inhaling vomit on certain chemicals. It is a serious illness that affects one out of every 100 people each year. People of all ages are highly suffered from this disease including older adults, babies, infants; young children are all at highest risk. It can weaken immune system and pass to ill the lungs. Pneumonia can be spread to the people through the air of bacteria. People with pneumonia may also experience fever, difficult or painful breathing, painful and productive coughs.

There are several causes of pneumonia. Although most cases of pneumonia are caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal infection and also by the obstruction of bronchial tubes. It can transmit by coughs and sneezes, and by hand washing. These can all easily spread the bacteria from the infected person to other human body. Even if the person is supposed to share drinking glass and eating utensils can also have a high chance to stick with the disease of pneumonia. People can also lower your chances of guessing pneumonia by staying away from cold, measles, or little chicken pox.
Inhaling of gasoline, lighter fluid, kerosene, liquid polishes, waxier can result in pneumonia rapidly. It can all lose out the elasticity of the lungs and start to spoil the life. But it can be treated well by the efficient physicians. The treatment can vary from person to person depend upon the cause and severity of the pneumonia disease. The treatment includes antibiotics to bacterial pneumonia but ineffective in viral pneumonia. It can be treated well with antiviral medications. Antibiotics may be prescribed when bacteria pneumonia occurs.

The most important signs and symptoms of this contagious disease includes fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, feeling short of breath, slow or rapid breathing, cough with yellowish and greenish mucus, severe pains along the chest wall and much more cigarette smoking also increases the risk of pneumonia. People with AIDS can susceptible with this health disorder. People who have received tissue of organ transplants can develop this pneumonia. It is also more common in people who have had a stroke, Parkinson’s disease or previous throat surgery. The symptoms include headache, loss of apprise, fatigue, confusion, especially in older people, excessive swelling, unexplained weight loss, worsening respiratory symptoms, shaking chilies.

Pneumonia can be prevented by hand washing after blowing the nose, going to the bathroom, diapering and before eating or preparing foods. It is better to quit or avoid smoking habit to decrease the risk of this disease. People can also wear a mask when they clean dusty or muddy areas. It helps to prevent with this disease. People with pneumonia can travel from mild to severe and even be deadly.


Treatment of anxiety disorders

Anxiety is a chronic illness and affects our whole being. It can be mild and serious but can be treatable. In some individuals, it may be real and serious. It occurs at any stages of both men and women. Anxiety is often caused by stress in our lives so all sorts of people can learn to manage it well. The physical symptoms of this disorder include nausea, diarrhea, headache, backache, and sweating, flushing, trembling, tense muscles and so on. A person may also experience heart attack or stroke, if he badly affect with anxiety disorder.

We all become anxious from time to time. It can be of from any issues in our lives like physical fitness, work pressure, family problems and so on. One can control anxiety by getting regular exercise, healthy food difficulty with decision making the task of dividing about the treatment of anxiety and try to keep a regular sleep pattern. It is reliable to avoid alcohol, cannabis and junk food. This may all cause this disorder and develop some diseases and lead in to anxiety. People can visit to a doctor, counselor or psychologist, and then they can help you to deal with anxiety in your lives and teach you to manage it well.

It is better to treat anxiety own than medications. If the cases sever, then the particular individuals are supposed to meet doctor for better process of life. Anxiety affects how we feel and how we behave. It may help to helps to keep distance from your loved ones and affects the whole life. A person may focus on his mind always tilled with positive aspects in his life. It can help to changer the mind from anxiety. It is essential to make a list of the negative thoughts you often have and make a list of positive aspects, believable thoughts to replace them.

The vast majority of people are seeking professional care to treat anxiety disorder. They do not have enough time to practice abdominal breathing. As you with your breathe and being healthy. People can also take three deep breaths at a time and this may help to reduce anxiety disorder. The treatment can be varying to person with anxiety. Some may need treatment for a few months, which others may not need more than a year.

There are various options to treat this economic disorder like cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation and medication. Many therapies use a combination of cognitive and behavior therapies to change unwanted and disturbing thought aspects. This treatment can gain sense of consol and helps to cope up with difficult situations. Relaxation techniques can help people to stay away from anxiety disorder. The common techniques are breathing, retraining and exercise. Medication treatment of anxiety is generally safe and effective. It includes drugs to treat anxiety. Medications have many choices. It is best to consult with your doctor to find the medication that’s sight for your health. With patience and persistence will help to alleviate anxiety symptoms.


Side effects of Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a medical treatment that uses laser light-an intense beam of coherent monochromatic radiation in the infrared of the electromagnetic spectrum to remove unwanted hair from the human body. It generally converts to heat as it passes through the skin the laser concentrated dark pigment named melanin, in hair. When the light beam hits the hair follicle (the root of hair growth) the intense heats remove the hair particles instantly.

Laser hair removal is used to remove unwanted facial hair and body hair. Both men and women can to this laser treatment. In men the common areas are chest, back, beard and ear lobes. In women the common areas are chin, face, arms, legs, hands, back and so on. But the people can involve in to this laser treatment only after the completion of 18 years.

It is important to consult a doctor to deserve this treatment plan. Because in some of the women it does not well respond to laser with hormonal disturbances, until the underlying imbalance is corrected. Women with thick hair on the neck areas, jaw line and chin have a hormonal imbalance. This can highly risk the treatment and can travel in physical complications. This treatment is also quite a sensitive one.

Laser hair removal will not suit for every individual. It also may not be permanent. The success of laser hair removal treatment depends on the hair color and skin type. It is successful under light skin. Treatments may not be safe for people with dark skin. A person who is having dark, black or brown hair can benefit from laser hair removal. Laser does not work for white blonde light brown hair. It also does not work on unpigmented hair. Different laser technologies work on different skin types. Improper treatment can cause burns and discolored skin. Some hair may be resistant to the laser treatment and can re-grow in the treated areas. There are certain procedures before and after hair removal treatment, people should follow it for safer result.

Laser does not work for fine hair. It can also damage the skin. Person with hair removal treatment may also experience redness or swelling for a few hours after the treatment. Laser should ideally be performed by a dermatologist or a doctor qualified and trained in laser technology. It can also do by laser technicians who are board certified.


General information about melanoma

Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It can develop in the cells that produce melanoma. Skin is the largest organ of the body that must protect against sunlight, injury, infection and wounds. Excessive exposure to sunlight is the important factor that causes melanoma. However, the exact wavelengths of sunlight that cause melanoma are unknown. One who is having a large number of abnormal or a typical mole can also affect from melanoma cancer (those who with red or blonde hair, blue eyes). It also occurs in the fair skin than dark skin because light skin is more easily damaged by the sun. Severe sunburn during childhood develops the risk of melanoma as an adult. It also passes along genetic information to the next generation. Tanning salons also expose the body to UV radiation that develops melanoma.

When a treatment is combined with psoralen and UVA to cure psoriasis can also increase the risk of melanin. Melanomas can also develop in hidden areas like, palms, soles, scalp or genitals or between the roes. Melanoma is a serious diseases and be deadly type of skin cancer. It can be successfully curable when detected early. The treatment can vary depends on the extent of the disease of the patient’s age, general health and other issues. People with melanoma often want to take an active part in making decisions of their treatments. They want to learn all they can know about the stage of disease and the treatment plans. People with melanoma may recover from the treatments of surgery, biological therapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy and a combination of treatments. However, surgery is the usual treatment for melanoma. (They can ask the doctor of dermatologist about the side effects of any treatments that they take).

The most important sign of melanoma is a change in the size, shape, color, or feel of existing moles. Melanomas typically begin as a mole. It may also appeal a new mole. It must be diagnosed and treated before they have a chance to spread. Then the cancer cells often can travel to different parts of the body and is difficult to control. It is not necessary to hide skin from the exposure to sunlight to protect skin from melanoma. People can also wear sunscreen and sunscreen clothing to stick away from melanoma. Doctors advise people to avoid the sun between 10 AM to 4PM. It is also best to avoid tanning beds, and tanning lamps and tan-accelerating agents. They can emit ultra-violet rays and largely affect the skin. If any changes occur in the skin, it is best to report the doctor soon. Melanoma can also develop in eyes, mouth and rarely in internal organs such as intestines (digestive tract, urinary tract, or Vagina). People with weekend immune system are also at a right risk of melanoma.

Melanoma is more common in men than women. It is because they are more exposure to sunlight than female. The male skin is also more sensitive to the diseases. They best way to prevent from this serious disease is to wear the sunscreen and sun protective clothes that help to lead a colorful life. A person may also experience headaches, gray skin, chronic cough and unexplained weight loss to the cancer of melanoma.


Treatment of Mesotheliama cancer

Mesotheliama is a rare type of cancer that affects the lining the chest, heart and abdomen. But, when it occurs, it must be cured as soon as possible by effective physicians. Mesotheliama is a disease and it is very hard to control. But there is compensation. It can be treated in the form of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The treatments are sometimes combined depend upon the stage of the disease. Doctor will treat the patient depends on the location of the cancer, the age of the patient and health status.

Surgery is a best treatment for mesotheliama disease. It is the removal of lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the issue around it. Pneumonectomy is a surgery to remove all of one lung. In a partial pneumonectomy, one of more lobes of a lung can be removed. The thin mussels below the lungs and heart caused the diaphragm that separate the chest from the abdomen is also removed during operation.

Another best treatment to cure mesotheliam is a radiation therapy or radiotherapy. It involves the rays to kill cancer all and shrink tumors. It treats only in the affected areas. The radian may come from machine through skin plastic twos which is incorporated in the affected area of cancer cells to be cured soon.

Chemotherapy is a kind of drug to remove cancer cell is entire body. It is injected directly chest or also men t the by injection into a vein. Thus it reduces the risk of mesotheliama disease.

The fluid can be destroyed in the form of needle or a thin tube in the chest or abdomen to control symptoms and pain. Removal of fluid from the chest is termed as throe cent sis through a needle parenthesis with the help of needle or a thin tube. To release symptoms, doctor can use the treatment of radiation therapy and surgery.


Treatment for food poisoning

Food poisoning is more common to humans. It occurs because of the consumption of food with the presence of bacteria, parasites, viruses, toxins or chemicals. It occurs at any stages of both men and women. The symptoms of this severe illness include vomiting, diarrhea, headache and adnominal cramping. Most of the people recover on their own from food poisoning. But some of the patients have severe discus and require hospitalization for further treatment. It is a serious illness that may lead to death. So it is essential to visit physician if anyone experience food poisoning.

There are several treatments to give up food poisoning. (First, one should concentrate on healthy food habits for being healthy and wealthy). The treatment can vary from person to person because it depends on the type of contaminant and the amount eaten. The patient may also experience fever, chills, bloody stools, and dehydration. It is important to prepare food clean and hygiene for food handless. They must wash their hands before and after cooking. This type of approach may reduce the risks of food poisoning.

Food poisoning can be treated at home when the patient is not affected seriously. They are not supposed to eat solid food and encourage drinking plenty of fluids. It is also best to avoid alcoholic, caffeinated and sugary drinks. It is reliable to recommended doctor for children with food poisoning. They can also always treat under doctor care. This can also damage immune system and nervous system and may encourage some diseases.

Medically it can be treated well under antibiotic treatment and aggressive dehydration. Anti-vomiting and diarrhea medications may also be given to the patients of food poisoning. Antibiotic are rare treatment for food prisoners. In some issues, antibiotic treatments can worsen the bad condition. Aggressive treatment is more essential to mushroom poisoning or eating foods contaminated with pesticides. These can be very serious and must require intensive care in the hospital.

Food poisoning can be prevented under the shopping of healthy items. One should concentrate on cooking raw meat, poultry and other food items. It is because that food particle may contain bacteria. It cannot be seen, smelled of tasted, which may present on any food. It is safe to store food in refuge sates and should check out the temperature of every food particles. It is fine to use cooked leftovers within four days. Safe cooking and safe storage of foods may reduce food poisoning of people.


Fighting hair loss in women

It is natural to lose hair to every human at any stages. Hair loss has been linked to numerous reasons, one of which is hormones. The hormonal imbalance can cause hair loss. Other reasons include genes, lack of iron, stress, heat, and lack of blood flow to the hair follicles. Women are more serious than men about hair loss. It is because a woman obtains most of her self-confidence and esteem from her hair. A man in the same situation are not looked upon unattractive like women when they loss the hair. Women can find out the proper reason for excessive hair loss and they must try to get rid of it. Hair loss and thinning hair is a common problem that is faced by thousands of people world wide.

Latest technology of hair may not allow a woman to feel about hair. The treatment includes laser hair loss treatment, hair transplantation, and hair weaving and so on. But these treatments can cause some side effects but well for someone. Women can highly consult with hair care physician well before making any plan to treat hair. It helps to strikes away from all the unwanted side effects and stays healthy hair. There are hair loss supplements which are readily available on the market. There are all mere fragile than nothing.

There are several things that woman can do to make hair healthiest and prevent future damage without any drugs and treatments. A person can get a healthy and shiny hair right from kitchen. That is obviously from fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamins, minerals and natural supplements are the best remedy to stop hair fall. Then a woman cal looks best, feels good and is confident life in all aspects. There are certain vitamins and minerals and other supplements that have been researches, reviewed, studied or reported on in various medical journals. It is best to prevent hair loss through natural means. This also helps to grow hair without making an appointment to the doctor of taking prescription drugs. The treatments and drugs in the long run natural cures are really cheaper than chemical alternatives.

Natural substances can cause no side effects. Most of the people believe that drugs are the only solution to restore the lost hair, this is not true. The natural alternative substances work can delivers the same of better results in stopping the falling hair. This helps to grow hair matter of months and can aid to save a big money. Once, a woman gets back her healthy hair, she is supposed to treat her hair well. She must not hurt the hair by using false shampoo and chemical substances. Hair straightening and hair coloring can also highly damage the natural hair.


love at large


At the numerous inaugural balls the Obama couple made a statement with showing affection in the public. Is it okay for honchos to show affection in public?


Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama backs economic upturn steps

President-elect barrack Obama will seek on Thursday to rally support for a massive fiscal stimulus package by warning that the United States could remain mired in recession for years without bold action.

Mr. Obama, who will take office on January 20, promised to set a new course for the economy and to move quickly to toughen the financial regulatory system.

I don’t believe it’s too late to change course, but it will be if we don’t take dramatic action as soon as possible”, Mr. Obama said in excerpts from a speech to be delivered later on Thursday. “If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years. The unemployment rate could linger for years. The unemployment rate could reach double digits”. The democratic President-elect will deliver his remarks at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, at 11 a.m. as he prepares to take over from republican president George w. bush, Mr. Obama is about to inherit an economy that has been in recession for more that a year.

Mr. Obama and his advertisers have been working with the US Congress to craft a two-year stimulus plan that could total more than $775 billion. The package will include tax cuts and money for the building of new roads, bridges and school. It would also pay for renewable energy projects, aid to cash-strapped state governments and enhanced unemployment benefits. Mr. Obama hopes to secure passage of the economic plan by mid-February. “For every day we wait or point fingers or drag our feet, more Americans will lose their jobs,” he said in the speech experts. “More families will lose their savings.” On Wednesday, a report on the US budget outlook painted a bleak picture this might add to Mr. Obama’s challenges in pushing his plan through congress.

The budget deficit for the current 2009 fiscal year ending September 30 is expected to nearly triple to around $1.2 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. A deficit in that range would be about 8.3 per cent of GDP shattering the previous record of six per cent in 1983.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yoga for weight loss

You can lose weight with yoga, if you are obese. Obesity is the real problem that faced by millions of people today. Everyone wants a slim and fit body. There are many programs to reduce weight safely. Yoga is one of the simple and safest ways to shed more pounds. Yoga offers many physical and mental health benefits. It includes reduce the stress, tone the muscles, lose weight and much more. Yoga can be practiced at any stage to keep the body flexible. There are also various openings of yoga centers all over the world. Yoga offers good solution for obesity problem, regular practice of yoga can help to lead a happy and healthy life.

Many of the people are always go with diet and exercise plan to lose weight. The programs are nothing but tedious, which are also hard to follow. Where comes to yoga, it is safe and reliable and also associated with weight-loss program. You can find wisdom within your own body and restore your natural balance with the help of yoga. Yoga is simple to do that will boost your energy, build up the metabolism, curb appetite cravings, increase flexibility, balance body and mind. Most weight-loss diet can bring only temporary results, and when you stop the diet and exercise, your appetite will return soon and you will be faced the same problem.

There are different asana of yoga that can easily cut extra fat in your body. Each poses of yoga has its own uses and benefits. Today, many of the people signup yoga for weight-loss with zero side effects. It is a wonderful decision to lose weight by practicing yoga. Certain poses aid weight loss along with burning of calories and toxins. Most of the people use heavy exercise machines to bum more fat and thus ends in various health hazards. It is best to save valuable time and money for easy weight loss, only with the help of yoga.

There are also many books and DVDs which features on yoga that can readily available on the markets. But the benefits of yoga won’t work out for certain individuals. So it is essential to work out with your health care professionals before make a move to yoga centers. Otherwise, it helps you to lead a colorful life with positive aspects. Yoga is specially designed not only for weight loss but also with several health benefits. It includes anxiety, cold, heart disease, asthma, back pain and stress. You can boost your self-esteem ad life too. It generally tone the body and muscle and remain fit for longer-term, if it done on regular basis.


Yoga and diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that kills more people in the world. It is of different types. Diabetes means that the body does not produce or use insulin properly. The disease may cause health issues like blindness, stroke, cardiac disease, hypertension, circulatory disorders, and even encourages death. It is a serious disease that affects the whole life. The diabetes is a chronic disease that has been treated successfully under yoga session. It is true that yoga can reverse diabetes. Regular practice of yoga can help to reduce the risk of complications as a result of diabetes. It is quite important to check with your health care provider before taking a decision to rush yoga centers.

But some people say that yoga cannot cure diabetes, but it can help to control the disease. However, yoga is really benefited to this disorder. Yoga exercise can reduce the blood pressure and improves circulation in the body. Yoga involves various poses. Each poses has its own uses and benefits. It also helps to reduce the weight in a weight-loss program. It generally tones the body and muscles like anything. It keeps fit and healthy. It is safe to involve in the program of yoga, only with the help of registered yoga practitioners. Yoga practice can also reduce the harmful effects of physical and mental stress. Stress can increase the blood glucose level and can encourage headache and stroke, so it must be treated under yoga sessions.

Yoga is a very good exercise for the patients of diabetes, as it can increases the blood supply and oxygen supply to the organs. Thus improves insulin administration in the body. Asanas, one of the postures in yoga, is really benefited to treat diabetes. The best time for yogic asanas is early morning and evening. There are certain terms and conditions on yoga sessions. One should start the yoga practice in an empty stomach. If it is done in the evening, there should be a gap between snacks and meals. It is recommended for diabetic patients to eat something immediately after performing exercises. Yoga poses can relax your body and mind and make you energetic person. This exercise also increases energy, reduce obesity and cure diabetes.
Yoga is restricted to some individuals like pregnant women and the people who suffer from low back pain, injuries should not perform certain exercises. It is effective but a strict exercise that should be followed for physical well-being of the people. This results in lowering the level of blood glucose. When exercising, the body needs extra energy, so your body must be prepared for that. For some people with diabetes, after exercise may increase of blood glucose levels. So it is mandatory to check with your physician to avoid side effects of yoga practice.


Health benefits of yoga

You can practice yoga for all sorts of reasons: to remain fit; to stay healthy or recover the healthy or recover the health; to balance nervous system; to calm busy mind and to live in a more meaningful way. All these goals are worthy of our attention and pursuit.

Yoga is the product of the oldest enduring civilization in the world. It has been spread all over the world and people relax like anything. There are no bad side effects from the yoga session. Yoga can do on home, school or yoga centers under proper training. Some doctors refer yoga for certain diseases.
It regulates the body and can reduce waistlines.

Yoga has been practiced thousands of years ago. There are several branches of yoga include jnana-yoga, karma-yoga, bhakthi-yoga, mantra yoga and so on. Every posture has its own benefits and uses. It is also simple to do. Yoga is a combination of subtle or physical movements which deepen awareness and concentration. Each yoga postures have a correspondingly different Effect on the body and mind.

The practice of yoga can distribute the generated energy of all over the body. It benefits the spinal cord and stick away from diseases. It serves good from the head to the feet. Every parts of the body get benefit from the session of yoga. Matter and energy merge in to pure consciousness in a stage of intoxicating bliss, the goal of yoga. Having attained this, the yogi gains supreme knowledge and passes beyond birth and death.

Yoga is a state of being in which one can remain physically and mentally ready, calm, quiet and comfortable. It poses a specific body position which opens energy channels and psychic centers. Most modern day diseases are psychosomatic in nature. Drug treatment of these ailments is only symptomatic and fails to treat the root of this disease. Asana, one of the postures of yoga, if done correctly, in a non-competitive and relaxed atmosphere, not only relax the muscles of the body but these relaxing impulses travel back to the brain and relax the mind. Once the mind is relaxed, the root cause of much disease is removed.
Yoga are used in order to purify the body of toxins and to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path. It also increases general flexibility of the body. Yoga is intimacy connected well with the life of the people of the world.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Benefits of constitutional hydrotherapy

Constitutional hydrotherapy is a therapeutic treatment with the uses of water to cure certain acute and chronic illness. It is a system of medicine that made upon simple and reliable principles. Hydrotherapy is a treatment that generally uses the alternation of hot and cold water. This can be benefit from asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, constipation, cancer, migraines, and autoimmune conditions etc. It has been widely used successfully for over a century. It is a standard medical treatment in hospitals and clinics all over the world. It also works so well. People of all ages are highly benefited from this treatment including children and women.

Today many of the people rely on hydrotherapy to improve sleep, digestion, bowel function, and reduction in chronic pain. It also increases the energy level greatly. During the treatment the patient can lie on a comfortable table while hot towels are applied on the upper torso. Then the persons may wrap in a sheet and leaves in a place for 10 minutes. Then the treatment continues by alternating hot/cold heating compress. Benefits of constitutional hydrotherapy includes relief from sinus pain, proper circulation to internal organs, optimal metabolic function, food poisoning, heart tissue, fatigue, influenza, chronic constipation repair of damaged or infected tissue and for general well-being. It is also good for treating hands and feet.

Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest, cheapest, and safest methods for treating many common ailments. Water is not only for cleansing but also for medications that has been also properly used for thousands of years and widely accepted. Hot and cold foot bath is best to promote circulation in the legs, helps varicose veins, insomnia, headaches, and high blood pressure. It is to treat everything fro typhoid to tumors. The temperature of the water should be moderate. Otherwise it may encourage fever and chills. It is generally safe to the humans.

Hydrotherapy can also treated in a pool with a limited movement and exercise. It helps to balance the body like anything. It also improves concentration and general well-being. Hydrotherapy is well treated with the people of arthritis. Swimming has many health benefits. The joints can be exercised and supported to the most and decrease pain of certain diseases. Hydrotherapy survives from ancient times to modern society.


Introduction to aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been known to the world from ancient times. Aromatherapy is nothing but the uses of volatile plant oils that includes essential oils to treat common ailments. It also helps to balance both the body and the mind. Essential oils, extract from the plant can provide physical and emotional benefits when used properly and safely. The aroma of the natural essential oil helps to stimulate the brain and supply therapeutic benefits. The use of essential oil dates back to thousands of years and was not introduced to the people until 20th century.

Ancient Chinese had used the aromatic oils for general well-being. They believed that the aromatic plants help to create balance between body and mind.

Then Egyptians used plant oils for cosmetics, medicinal, and spiritual relaxation. Thus results in various fragrance industries and aromatic medicines.

Greek was supposed to follow the techniques of Egyptians. They also used herbs and oil for medicinal and cosmetics.

The Romans developed the techniques of Egyptians and Greeks. They used their techniques for distillation and extraction of aromatic floral water which advantages for natural medicine. Discorde wrote a book named De Material Medica that deals with the properties of 500 plants and herbs.

As days passed on, the merchants spread aromatherapy to the Europe. They also began to use aromatic oils for physical and psychological well-being.

There was a gradual development in the field of aromatherapy from the late 20th century to the 21st century. The use of essential oils becomes more popular than ever before. The essential oils have been used for therapeutic, cosmetic, spiritual and fragrance.

The essential oils are also extracted from flowers, fruits, bark and roots. The preparation is of two types, steam distilled or cold-pressed. Today the essential oils are incorporated through massage, bath and compresses. The oils are all standard for pleasing aroma. Totally aromatherapy is considered to be ‘natural magic’.


Friday, January 9, 2009


Phototherapy is also referred as light therapy that uses the therapeutic ultraviolet radiation for a prescribed amount of time to the humans. The treatment includes with the uses of lasers, fluorescent lamps, LEDs, and dichroic lamps. The therapy is highly designed to treat various dermatological problems like eczema and psoriasis. Phototherapy with or without a biliblanket is the most common type of treatment to alleviate jaundice, that the lights used to eliminate bilirubin in the blood, when the treatment comes to babies.

When the patients failed to cure their psoriasis disease, phototherapy becomes an option. During phototherapy treatment, the patient’s skin or just the lesions are well exposed to ultraviolet light radiation which is generated from a special lamp or laser. But the patients should receive effective treatment from a registered dermatologist.

The phototherapy treatment proves to have few side effects but highly effective. But the patients should conscious about the term of their treatment because long-term treatment may increase the risk of developing skin cancer. So they should discuss with their therapist completely about their treatment options and the benefits of a prescription.

Phototherapy offer patients who are suffering from skin conditions and relieving the pain, because it can be a serious problem. With proper care and treatments, the patients can help reduce dry skin, redness and itching by following the diseases like eczema and psoriasis. The treatment is safe, quick and convenient too. Phototherapy has become an increasingly popular and fame treatment for vitiligo, thin plaques and other skin conditions.

The treatment is mainly based upon the type of the skin and the diagnosis of patient’s skin condition and the physician will provide a prescription for the system. Then the phototherapy therapy can greatly improve the right quality of life and has fewer side effects than any other treatment available for patients for well-being.


Uses of aromatherapy

There are many ways to use aromatherapy. It is very easy and fun to be imposed on the body. The uses can include bath, shower, massage, compresses, diffusers and more. Essential oils are not complex but they are the most commonly used methods. Pure essential oils are very strong that should be limited in usages to avoid side effects. Aromatherapy is the use of various fragrances to improve health and general well being.

Aroma means scent and therapy means treatment. It is the general use of aromatic plants that extract essential oils to improve health and general well being. Aromatherapy offers pure enjoyment to the users. It is a natural healer with zero side effects. But some of the individuals may experience allergies or irritation of the skin to the use of oils. On that note, they have to contact the physicians for better life.

The aromatherapy is versatile and reliable. Any person will like bath with scented oils and have fun aromatic massage. This is also beneficial to the skin and soothes the mind. The common conditions can also well treated by using aromatherapy. The therapeutic use of aromatherapy includes stress, sleep, calming, muscular aches and pains, mood uplifting, aphrodisiac and other uses.

But one should treat the aromatherapy with the gentle care of a doctor. The therapy can be very effective when it is combined with the uses of herbs. The essential oil includes lavender, germanium, eucalyptus, cypress, tea tree, rosemary and so on. The uses of oils can also increase the balance of body and mind, relieves pain, decongestant, improves circulation, stimulate sluggish circulation and to induce relaxation.

Essential oils can be used to cure conditions from cold to arthritis. The essence of aromatic plants has been used for healing physical, mental and psychological well-being. Aromatherapy can also be used in the ways of oil burners, vaporizer rings, and inhalation. The use of the essential oils can boost the immune system and improve health, physical and mental, with a sense of well –being.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Interesting facts about birds

• Bats always turn left when leaving a cave.
• A chicken is 75% water.
• A chicken loses its feathers when it becomes stressed.
• Larger parrots such as the macaws and cockatoos live more than 75 years.
• A male duck is called a drake, while a female is called a duck.
• The only bird that can fly backwards is the Hummingbird.
• An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.
• Owls have no teeth.
• Turkeys can live up to ten million years.


Amazing facts about fruits

• A mango is rich in beta carotene than carrot.
• Bananas are actually herb, not a fruit.
• The cabbage contains almost as much as watermelon
• Peanuts are not nut; they belong to pea family.
• Pumpkin is not a vegetable, it is a fruit.
• Strawberries are member of the rose family.
• Banana ash is used to make soaps.
• Apple trees can grow up to 40 feet high.
• Apples are more effective than coffee at keeping people awake in the morning.
• Olive trees can live more than 1500 years.
• The carrot is actually a root, not a vegetable.
• California is known as the “carrot capital of the world”.
• The lemon juice can help to clean copper-bottom pans.
• The coconut is a kind of fruit.
• One can survive in pure desert with coconut tree and nuts alone.
• Chewing of guava leaves can help to reduce the risk of toothache.
• The leaves of coconut tree are used to make baskets.
• The seeds of papaya are often used as a substitute for black pepper.
• Some animals like dogs, cats, goats, cattle, fish, birds and horses can be seriously harmed or even killed when consuming any of the avocado’ s parts.
• There are many names to sapotta fruit. The fruit will only ripe, it is picked from the tree.
• The jackfruit tree is the largest fruit borne tree in the world.
• The extract of arhat fruit is 300 times sweeter than sugar.
• The mangosten is known as “the queen of Fruits”. The interesting fact about this fruit is that there is always a type of scar at one end. It is the favorite fruit of Queen Victoria.
• Durian is a seasonal fruit that can get only from June to August.
• Orange is a fruit that will not overripe if it left over on the tree.
• A bowl of fresh lemons will add fragrance and color to a room for days.
• Apple lovers can remain young for longer years.
• Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them; a fully ripened cranberry can be dibbed like a basket ball.


Interesting facts about animals

• Bats are the only mammals, which can fly.
• A snail can sleep for three years without eating.
• Some kinds of bears make nests in trees.
• The bear’s gall bladder is more valuable than gold.
• The heart of blue whale is the size of a small new car.
• Pork is the most eaten meat in the world
• A lion’s roar can hear up to 5 miles.
• New Zealand is home to 4 million people but 70 million sheep.
• Rats and horses can’t vomit.
• Pregnant gold fish is called a twit.
• Electric eels are capable of emitting a discharge of 600 volts.
• A dragonfly is the fastest flying insect.
• There are 75 million horses on earth.
• A crocodile grows always new teeth to replace the old teeth.
• Elephants are able to smell water away from 3 miles.
• Dogs have better eyesight than humans but they are color-blind.
• A chameleon can move its eyes in two directions at the same time.
• A cheetah can run 76 km per hour.
• Frogs live in all continents except Antarctica.
• Zebra enemies include hyenas, wild dogs and lions.
• The milk of the camel never gets spoiled that means the milk never breaks in to solid or liquid.
• A mosquito has 47 teeth.
• Whales can sing songs.
• Dolphins usually sleep with one eye open.
• Owls are the only bird that can see the color blue.
• A tarantula can live more than two years without food.
• Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.
• A gold fish is the only animal that can see infrared and ultraviolet light.
• A dog’s sense of smell is 1000 times stronger than humans.
• Zebras can’t see the color orange.
• An elephant can be pregnant for up to 2 years.
• Emus can’t walk backwards.
• A domestic cat can frighten a black bear to climb a tree.
• Giraffes are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead.


Facts about vegetables

• A tomato has a thousand of different varieties.
• One cup of beets has 58 calories.
• Broccoli helps to heal kid’s cut and wounds.
• Botanically speaking, tomato is a fruit not a vegetable.
• The easiest way to prevent browning of sliced potato can put in water.
• Pumpkin is not a vegetable, it is a fruit.
• The beet is belonging to the family of goosefoot.
• Cow pea is another name for black-eyed peas.
• Carrots taste best when grown in winter.
• Lettuce is a member of the sunflower family.
• Lima beans should never be eaten raw.
• One bell pepper has more vitamin C than an orange.
• Some kinds of pumpkin can be eaten by cattle.
• Red vegetables can support heart health, memory function, and healthy urinary tract function.
• Avocados are fruits, not a vegetable.
• A dream of a cucumber is supposed to foretell romance.
• Lahnaphobia is a fear of veggies.
• Turnip generally takes two years to flower.
• Red potatoes are highly found in USA. Unlike other potatoes, it can be easily cooked in many ways.
• Yam and sweet potato is not the same.
• Never store tomatoes in the refrigerators. They would lose nutritional values and flavor.
• Sulfuric compound in onions bring tears to your eyes.
• If you eat too many carrots, you may turn orange.
• “Cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education” said by Marks Twain.
• It is best to eat 3-5 servings of vegetables each day.
• The leaves of radish can also be eaten in salads.
• Leek is the national vegetable of Wales.
• Cabbage is the “king of vegetables” and easy to grow almost anywhere.
• It is better to avoid potatoes with sprouts and wrinkled skin.


Facts about humans

o Ancient Egyptians often named their children as “how drunk is chops” or “how intoxicated is hath”.
o Your thing bone is stronger than concrete.
o Nose helps to filter the dirt and dust in the air.
o Nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
o The hair of men grows faster than women.
o Fingers have no muscles.
o Dark hair grows faster than light-colored hair.
o Eyelashes keep dust out of the eyes.
o Each eye weighs 1 ¼ ounces.
o The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
o A new born baby’s brains weigh three ounces.
o Women blink twice as many times as men do.
o Approximately, there are 550 hairs in the eye brow.
o A baby is born every seven seconds.
o The jawbone is the hardest bone in the human body.
o According to German researches, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday between 9 to 10 am.
o France is most distrustful in the world.
o The brains look pink because of the blood flowing through it.
o Bone marrow is the only part that grows.
o You use 20 different facial muscles when you kiss.
o Abraham Lincoln and Paul revere were distant relatives.
o The smell of peppermints can improve the concentration in humans.
o Many residents of troublesome creek, Kentucky, have blue skin.
o Smelling green apples and Bananas can help you to lose weight.
o Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
o Your heart beats over 100,000 times per day.
o Blinking helps to wash tears over your eyeballs.
o When a woman is pregnant, her senses are all heightened.
o Men sweat more than women.
o Women heart beats faster than men.
o Blood was used by Native Americans for painting early.
o More than 50 percent of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.
o The hair of an adult man or woman can strengthen 25 percent of its length without breaking.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Garlic therapy

Garlic is an herbal supplement that has various uses and medicinal benefits. There are different kinds of garlic all over the world. We are used to incorporate garlic in our foods. It can be also readily available in the markets and it is one of the safest herbs. Externally, garlic is a known anti-bacterial and anti-infection agent. For internal problems, eating raw garlic is the most potent way to identify it. It is also considered as a nature’s wonder drug for thousands of years. Garlic is a rich source of minerals and nutrients. So it is safe to involve in the treatment of garlic therapy. Oral garlic supplements are also available in supermarkets to reduce the risk of heart disease and also help to treat high cholesterol.

Garlic is also used to keep distance from developing several types of cancer. The therapy involves by ingesting four grams of garlic daily. It can taken raw, cooked, baked or in a capsule form. The uses of garlic include prevent cancer, lower your cholesterol level, reverse high blood pressure, boost your immune system, overcome fatigue, resist colds and flus, and so on. Garlic may also reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, throat, stomach, esophageal and colon cancer. Garlic is used to act against bacteria, mycobacteria, viruses and fungi.

Garlic therapy can be treated well only to persons who are physically strong. It is because some people who are sensitive to garlic may experience heart burn and flatulence. The patients who are supposed to involve in this treatment of garlic therapy, they should inform their surgeon if they are taking garlic supplements. Studies say that taking garlic during pregnancy can cut down the risk of pre-eclampsia. It may be safe but one should check out their health care provider better before involving in to the treatment.

Raw garlic is also used by some to treat acne. Some people like to take garlic supplements. They believe that pills and capsules have the advantage of avoiding garlic breath. Raw garlic is very strong. So it is best to avoid excess intake of raw garlic. The symptoms include skin rash, headaches and temperature. Other than this garlic is good for zapping bacteria, keeping your heart healthy, and warding off coughs and colds.


Acupuncture therapy for pain relief

Acupuncture is a traditional medicine practice in china and it has been introduced to the world more than 2,000 years ago. The treatment involves by inserting thin needles in to specific points on the body restoring harmony and health. It generally reduces nausea, muscle tension and relieves pain. It is also considered as the oldest healing practices in the world. It is also very effective to treat arthritis pain. There are 1.000 acupuncture points over the body that is distributed along meridians. Many people are rely upon acupuncture treatments today. The therapy generally stimulates circulation and influences the electrical currents of the body.

The treatment depends on health concern, diet, menstrual cycle, temperature, season, stress, lifestyle habits and much like. Usually, the therapy involves the use of 6-12 needles. But it is a pain-free treatment and the patients should be very comfortable. If they experience any pain or discomfort, should notify the acupuncturist immediately. The session can last for a second to hours. Typically, it is about 20 to 30 minutes. The techniques used are moxibustion, cupping, laser acupuncture, electro stimulation, and herbal medicine. The treatment is safe and gentle under qualified practitioners.

Acupuncture can be used for almost anything and everything – it can alleviates pain, increase energy level, better digestion, recoveries after injuries, strengthen the body, and prevent certain diseases. Acupuncture is one of the most popular alternative medicine treatments. It may also help relieve labor pain. It improves the energy and highly effective for asthma, fibromyalgia, headache, back pain, addiction, osteoarthritis, myofascial pain, menstrual cramps, eczema and hot flushes.


Art therapy

Art therapy is a form of expressive theory that uses paints, clay, chalk, markers and batik. It is a fine therapy for everyone. The main intention of the therapy is to cut down the painful thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment and to increase emotional well-being. It does not require any artistic talents or previous experience in it. The registered art therapist will guide and support the patients by using different art materials.

The therapy is safe and gentle way to annoy stress, anxiety and depression. Art therapy can be done individual or in a group. But art therapy is generally differ from other psychological therapies. The program can be performed in clincals, hospitals, school, colleges, elder care facilities, scheduled work shop, art studios and so on. Art therapists generally use the traditional psychotheraptic theories and techniques on their clients. Thus helps to lead a colorful life without any unwanted tensions and worries. It also helps to improve mental health and emotional well-being.

The patients can improve the psychological, emotional and physical health in the program of art therapy. Many of the people are highly recommend this kind of therapy to their family and friends to try out the sessions. Art therapy can help them to take any successful decisions in their life. There must be a cordial relationship to attain the full benefits of practice sessions. Art is a wonderful tool to be treated on stress and reduction. It is simple and easy to do this art therapy but the benefits are endless. It helps to create a visual representation of thoughts and feelings.

Art therapy can obviously promotes personality development, increases coping skills, beautiful thoughts, and enhances cognitive function. The therapy is mainly based on personality theories, human development, family background, psychology and art education. An art therapist must have patience, empathy, sensitivity, interpersonal skills, and an understanding of art media. People who find hard to express their thoughts and feelings can really benefit from this art session.



Acupressure is an ancient Chinese practice to treat common aliments. It is generally based on the principles of acupuncture and involves with the uses of finger pressure (without the needles), elbows or any device in to specific body points. Acupressure is also well related to massage by using finger and thumb.

It helps to alleviate pain, aches, dizziness, stress, anxiety, depression, menstrual pain, nausea, constipation, morning sickness, digested related problems, heart related problems and so on. Acupressure massage can be very effective in curing many diseases. The main purpose of acupressure therapy is to stimulate and activate the body’s own energies to fight common illness.

The acupressure techniques are kneading, rubbing, percussion and vibration, pressing, gentle stretching, rubbing, wiping, chafing, and grasping. The pressure or degree is with medium level with a great sense of well-being. Acupressure can be performed sitting, standing or lying down. The massage therapy can lasts for 5 to 15 minutes. It also keeps the patient’s body and mind to relax. It is reliable to seek treatment from a qualified acupressure practitioner. Then the therapy depends upon the people’s health condition, lifestyle, and behavior. The diagnosed patients of any diseases can visit their doctor whether acupressure might help.

Acupressure is the non-invasive form of acupuncture which is practiced all around the world. It is increasingly popular in the west. It is also really very helpful during pregnancy and it is a natural way to bring a labor and reduces childbirth pain.

Acupressure can also help to overcome insomnia and its complications. It is a pleasant and gentle therapy for every patient. It is reliable to avoid hot baths or showers and heavy meal before involving in the treatment. It is also essential to visit specialist, a pregnant woman and sick people.


High-fiber diet to prevent diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is a disease that causes intense pain in the abdomen and leads to the rupture of small pouches in the lining of the colon. About a third of Americans over 60 develop diverticulitis. This disease is more common as people age. It is severe painful disease that must be treated to the people of diverticulitis. No one knows the exact cause of diverticulitis. But the symptoms include belly pain usually on the lower left side, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. If this condition is severe, now it is a time to check with the health care professionals. It is their duty to diagnose your disease with blood tests and imaging tests.

Then the treatment depends upon your symptoms and infections. Diverticulitis occurs in the people who lacks of high-fiber diets, they can prevent the disease by drinking a lots of water, adequate exercise and stick with high-fiber diet. Eating a high-fiber diet is believed to help prevent presence of pouches in the colon. Fibers are rich in whole grains, breads, cereals, corn, peas, beans, carrots, fruits and vegetables. It is reliable to incorporate 2 to 3 g of fiber in one’s diet each day. You can well discuss your food choices with your doctors for physical well-being. Then it is best to keep a food dairy. The diets may relieve constipation and abdominal pain. Drinking of more fluids meets the effects of high-fiber diet.

Some people believe that nuts, berries, and corns won’t help to cure the pain of diverticulitis. They also fear that may cause severe intestinal complications. But some doctors say that incorporation of these foods may lower the risk of developing the disease. There are no scientific proofs that these foods can cause or worsen diverticulitis. So there is no any link between these foods and complication of this disease. So you can eat more nuts, twice a week then you will about to lower the risk of developing diverticulitis than people who did not encourage this type of foods. Those who eat pop corn at least twice a week have a chance to lower the risk of health issues. It is best to contact you doctor before switch over to any diet.

Mild attacks of diverticulitis can be treated well with the changes of your diet. But the severe case may need hospitalization for surgery and well-being. However, the diet can include cabbage, lentils, cauliflower, bread, cereals, milk, fruits and vegetables. To avoid discomfort of complications of diverticulitis, eating a high-fiber diet can help to prevent diverticulitis disease. A high-fiber diet may help to fight against colon cancer. Most of the vegetables are sources of fiber. It is best to get fiber from incorporating food, rather than taking pills or other supplements. But you should eat fiber-foods, only with the knowledge of effective physicians.


Dietary benefits of white oats

Oats are best types of grains that white Oats are derived from natural whole grain. Oats are rich in soluble fiber than any other grain which improves the digestive process and constipation. This fiber also helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood. Oats are considered as the healthiest cereals in the market, and versatile choice for breakfast, which keeps us full up for longer term.

Oats are full of protein and minerals that helps in building strong bones, teeth and connective tissue and energy. They are easily digested and so are traditionally regarded as a good food for adults and child alike. Oats are with no added sugar, salt, or additives, naturally low in calories and a good source of natural iron. Oats are rich source of manganese and selenium.

In addition, oats are a very good source of vitamin B1, dietary fiber, magnesium, protein and phosphorus. Oats have essential fatty acids & antioxidants which together with vitamin E slow down the cell damage and reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart diseases. Oat meal is also beneficial to the hormonal systems.

Researchers also found that regular practice of eating white-oat products can helps the dieter to lose weight. Oat Meal helps in women with ovarian and uterine disorders. Many people incorporate porridge for a healthy start to their day, for its various health benefits. Other oats health benefits include lower blood pressure, increased satiety, induce healthy blood flow, and provide longer lasting energy. Eating the whole white oats gives various health benefits as part of healthy balanced diet.

Oats’ quality is getting more quality, by adding it with Oat Bran thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. This Soluble fiber can also help to prevent constipation, colon cancer, piles, gastro-intestinal disorders, varicose veins and much like. So, oats are ideal for everyone that imparts good nutritional benefits. Oats are available in the market throughout the year and can add extra nutrition to several healthy dishes. One should consult with their health care practitioner before experimenting with oats.


Diet and obesity

Obesity is the cause of excess of body fat resulting in a significant disorder of health from a variety of diseases, notably hypertension, cardiac disease, stroke and diabetes. Obesity may cause due to genetic reasons, increased appetite, leading to excessive intake of food than the body needs, endocrine causes and metabolic disorders. And also the major cause for such obesity is wrong food and lack of exercise. Mostly young adults and teenagers are obese all over the world. It is also more common to both men and women at any stages. There are several approaches to promote weight.

A balanced diet can have all food supplements in needed proportion. It can also restrict certain foods on diet. It is essential to drink 8-10 glasses of water to balance the body and its function. A dieter can concentrate on foods like cereals, oat meals, whole milk, pulses and much like. Being junk food, fried food, oily foods are all base form of obesity, it is best to avoid those foods. They can also encourage some sorts of diseases and lead in a wrong path of life. Incorporate of green a leafy vegetable in to one’s diet is very healthy and nutritious. It has the power to cure up certain diseases. One can encourage their children to intake green leafy vegetables in childhood itself. So, that they can have a healthy future and stick away from certain diseases.

Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable can be appreciated. It is quite hard to follow up the diet. Because it is mandatory to give up your favorite foods like ice-creams, candy, chocolate etc. But it is best to avoid these items for general well-being. People can also take 5-6 meals a day. That can also help to restrict the fat and also takes time for easy digestion. Excess intake of meat can also develop diseases like heart attack, high cholesterol level, stroke and such on. One should eat always what the body needs, that itself enough to lead a healthy life. But it must be healthy and nutritious.

You can involve in to diet from the advice of registered dieticians and health care providers. They are well-known about what to eat and not to eat. They can also prescribe a good diet-book that can be easily followed by you. It is bad thing to starve in the weight-loss program. It can help to promote weight with the multiplication of diseases. It is advisable to consult the physician before switch over to any diet. One’s diet plan will not suit for other individuals. It is reliable to maintain food’s diary, it is closer approach to cut more pounds. At restaurant, you can scan the menu for low-calorie foods. This may bring a 100 percent organic lifestyle, every bite you closer to the weight loss.


Diet management in gout

Gout is a kind of arthritis. It is mainly caused by a defect in the body’s ability to metabolize uric acid. The result is an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints tendons and issues can experience pain and inflammation over the body. It occurs at any stages of both men and women. It is not serious but a severe disease. Typically a single joint is involved; most probably the base of the big toe, also the knees, wrists and knees can be badly affected by this disorder. Gout is also accompanied with obesity, especially with a build up of fat in the abdominal area.

This is a disease that can result from metabolism from endogenous puriness, metabolism from dietary puriness, and reduced urinary excretion and so on. A person with gout can spoil the whole life. So it is mandatory to cure this disease as early as possible. A person can also concentrate on his diet to give up the complications of this disease. the diet can restrict certain foods and allow the person to lead a healthy life. Obesity is the main cause of gout. Certain foods can help to function the body wholly and naturally without any health disorders. Thus the person can stay away from diseases and save the money to be wasted on health care centers.

The diet can involve in to low-calorie food and exercise should be on regular to control excess of body weight, as a result from gout. But fasting and sudden weight loss should be avoided for the welfare of the people. One can also concentrate on excess fluid intake as liquid foods and water has to be included to prevent the build-up of excess uric acid and crystals. He/she should concentrate only on low-calorie foods. Excess of calorie intake is the main cause of obesity. They can also include plenty of fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables for potassium, which aids in excretion of uric acid by keeping the urine alkaline. But spinach is restricted to the patients of gout.

Purine rich foods such as peas, mushroom, lentils, organ meats like liver, kidney, fishes like herring, sardine, mackerel, and shrimp has to be avoided. Excess intake of coffee, tea and chocolate has to be avoided. Excess intake of pulses and dhals has to be reduced in one’s diet. Fried foods and excess oil intake should be avoided to reduce the risk of gout. Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids that largely found in fish oil and evening primrose oil (in 4:1 ratio) may also help to reduce stiffness and tenderness of the joints.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Hot health tips for women and men

The ancient Greeks believed that a body’s good health was vital as it is the vessel of the mind. The mind houses your humanity, and, therefore, exercise of the mind is as well as body is important for full maturing and development. The purpose of a human’s time on earth is to live the best, balanced life and to explore the unexamined facets that make us better human being.
For a healthy life you need to maintain good diet, physical and mental work.

Good diet:
In Ayurveda food is divided in to three categories Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic.
Satvic food is one that can be digested easily and brings balance to one's mind. It helps in building immunity. Satvic food are food closest to the natural form like milk, milk products, fruits, most fresh vegetable except garlic, onion, scallions, and chives.
Grain cereals like lentils, sprouts and natural sweeteners like jaggery, honey, natural oils like ghee, butter and vegetable oils are Satvic foods.
A person who follows the Satvic food habits is known to possess a clear mind, is balanced, moderate in habits and focused. One usually avoids intoxicants like alcohol, stimulants like tea, coffee, tobacco and non-vegetarian food.
Rajasic food is one that is fresh but heavy to digest. Those who indulge in heavy physical activity should eat such food. This includes non-vegetarian food like meat, fish eggs, chicken, all whole pulses and dals, which are not sprouted. Food prepared from sour, salty, spicy ingredients increase Rajasic qualities. Hot spices like chilies, pepper, vegetables, including onions and garlic, are all included under this category.
Tamasic food includes all kinds that are not fresh and are unnatural, overcooked, stale and processed. All foods made from refined flour, pastries, pizzas, burgers, chocolates, soft drinks, stimulants like tea, coffee, tobacco, intoxicants like alcohol and wines fall under the Tamasic category. Even canned and preserved foods like jams, jellies, pickles and fermented food come under this group. Fried foods, sweets made from sugar, ice creams, pudding and most modern day junk foods, spicy, salty, sweet, and fatty foods are also included in this list.
The following are the benefits you will enjoy if you work out daily:
People who are physically active live longer.
Improved Memory: As regular exercise stimulates new brain cell development
Antidepressant. Study after study has shown that exercise promotes mental health and reduces symptoms of depression.
Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease
Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure
Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol
Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer
Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat
Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
Improve psychological well-being
Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance
Last but not the least if your exercise regularly you will get sound sleep, which today most of them are missing.


Valentine Cruises - Fall in Love

The best Valentine vacations are often the ones where you take in a breathtaking view, like sunset or sunrise, a starlit sky, or simply the calm ocean.
On any given day, cruise ships provide lovers with a romantic getaway experience. But of course, as with anything good, going onboard a cruise ship costs money. But with a little bit of diligence, you can actually have a very good experience minus the hassles of preparation. Here are some tips:
1. Read up on cruise ships
There are many cruise companies travelling in different parts of the world. Some travel within the shores of mainland USA while others travel to the Caribbean and the Hawaiian islands. Since different cruises offer different wonderful experiences, it is very important to read up on their destinations as well as schedules and departure times.
2. Know what you want to do while on a cruise
Different cruise packages offer you different things to do while you are onboard. Ask yourself what you want to do while onboard a cruise ship. The most romantic parts of a trip are often in the evenings. So what do you do in the daytime?
3. Find tips from seasoned travelers
Your best resources for travelling are always the seasoned travelers. And if you are going on a cruise, you should find cruise travelers to help you on the way. From tips on traveling to finding the most reputable cruise ship companies, it always pays to ask. The best thing is that you do not even have to have living and breathing friends. There are many online message boards on traveling and there are many travelers who can give you unbiased insights.
4. Explore specials and Promotions
Like other segments in the tourism industry, cruise ship companies also provide specials as a means to marketing their company, especially for a particular season. So take heed and read up. You might just find the perfect vacation getaway via those cruise ship specials. For the valentine season, you might just find an advertisement that reads: Valentine Cruise for two.
5. Free up your mind and your schedule
Cruise ships often come in 7-day, 14-day to 21-day packages. For very busy persons, this may seem like a lot of time away from work. But this is precisely why you are taking a vacation ?to take your mind off work. So take a leave and enjoy. Condition yourself to enjoy your vacation rather than being nervous about the work that you have to do when you get back. Remember, you are on a romantic cruise to be with your partner.
6. Bring some provisions with you
Cruise ships often cost a lot of money. So it often pays to save on costs where you can. Bring your own water or your own bottle or bottles of wine. It might sound cheap to some, but your partner will surely appreciate your practicality.


How to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks? Top Tips to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks

Losing 10 pounds in two weeks sounds quite audacious. But nothing is impossible. Only you need proper guidance and right attitude. There are several individual approaches to this mission. But as the time duration is less you need a blend of these.
-Running/Jogging/Walking: Start the day with 45 minutes of running, jogging, or walking according to your comfort level. You can mix these three or any two of these also. Running is one of the most efficient forms of cardio exercise. In addition to burning lots of calories during this period, it also keeps your metabolic rate higher for longer duration. Higher the metabolic rate implies higher fat burn.
-Strength Training: More muscle is capable of burning more calories, even at rest. So if you have higher muscle-mass you will be burning calories while watching movie or playing computer game. Strength training helps you in building greater muscle mass along with burning calories directly. 30 to 45 minutes of strength training exercise is enough for keeping you fit.
-Dieting: Dieting plays a crucial role for quick weight loss. Say you are burning 2000calories/ day and taking 3000 calories of diet everyday, then there is no way you can lose 10 pounds ever. So consume fewer amounts of calories and burn more than those. Drink lots of water. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Instead of two heavy meals go for 5 to 6 light meals everyday. This will keep metabolic rate at a higher level through out the day. Also eat foods that will speed up metabolism. Go for food those are rich in fiber. This will make you feel less hungry & suppress appetite.
These are the best ways to lose weight naturally. This schedule may not be suitable for you if you have any other health issues. Consult your physician if you have any health problem before going for this.
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18 siddhas

18 siddhas
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